He's been missing for a week now

Last Friday night he went out for his nightly hunt, and never came home.

Damn I'm gonna miss that cat. His name was Willy.. well, Prince William the 1st to get technical. He's named after a Prince cause he's always acted like Royalty. About the best damn cat a guy could hope for. Potty trained to go outside at 8weeks and never had an accident, he'd have been 11yo this summer. Never have I seen a cat so affectionate...this cat lived for people and to be pet. The only cat I've ever seen that plays fetch (tho I've read about a few others on the board recently). I'm even going to miss dealing with all of the animal carcases on my front doorstep.

I have no idea what happened to him. I live on a vineyard, so he's always had lots of room to hunt. Maybe a dog or a cyote.. I can't help but hope that he got adopted by a nice family with lots of young girls to love him and better food than the crappy dry stuff I fed him..

Goodbye Willy, you will be sorely missed my friend.