I know I've been on these 2 esterification methods the last couple times I stopped in. Not without reason. I have been prescribed both before over decent time periods. I've always had something that kept me with test enan over test cyp. Well, my 2nd, and more recent doctor put me on test cyp. It wasn't long after the start of test cyp that I got these very bad acne bumps all over my back and chest and neck. Severe. Severely painful too. It didn't feel like normal pimples. A lot more painful. And left pits/craters like I never seen before. I know it's the t cypionate because of my own little experiments to see results. If I would've ever ran cyp to know I responded this way from it. I woulda definitely posted something. I know the 2 esters are basically one I'm the same. Surprised.?? yes..wtf. I have always had a better favor for test enanthate, and nature along with whatever powers that be have kept my skin clean. I almost ran some strong acne med just before finding this to be, thankfully. I'm old for any harsh meds/sides.

Just wanted to share.
My body obviously responds dramatically different from the 2