Hey guys
I am new to the board here but am on forum.bodybuilding.com quite a bit. A bro there told me to come here because he said he knew there were some diabetics here on gear and I should really post a few questions here.

Anyway, a little about me. 18 yrs old, lifting for 2.5 yrs, 165 pds goal=to get big I train 5 days a week

anyway I have been planning the following cycle for some time now

weeks 1-4

sust 500mg/week dbol 25/mg day

week 5-8 sust 500mg/week

clomid and nova post cycle.

I would be getting 3 blood tests throughout the cycle. 1 before, middle, and after.

what do you think? I am also taking insulin (N and R) because of my diabetes. Now before I get 100 posts saying your too young i should say this is not something I am 100% on doing, its just planning for when I do (could be tomorrow, could be a year...im not sure) so any advice you can give would be great. especially any fellow diabetics on here please give your input.

Also, the bro over at bb that sent me over here told me to come here and with a message "Rado is a homo"
