Does this look ok..?

Did my last shot 1 week ago tomorrow: 800mg Enathate, 400mg EQ(all last shot). Been on Dbol since 2 weeks back 30mg ED and took last 30mg yesturday, now on 10mg in the morning for 2 weeks.

This is how I plan my recovery, just need to check if there are anything I should add or change. I rather take 500iu ED of HCG than one big shot:

starting from last week:

Week 10: 800mg EQ, 800mg Enathate, 250mg Propionate, 30mg dbol ED
Week 11: 10mg dbol in the morning, HCG 500iu ED, 20mg Nolva ED, creatine 10mg post workout

Week 12: Same as Week 11

Week 13: Nolvadex 20mg ED, MACA 1g ED(have some left), Zink 60mg ED, Slin post workout(2iuday 1, then -4-6-8-8iu)

Week 14: Nolvadex 20mg ED, MACA 1g ED, zink 45mg ED, slin 8-10-10-10-10

Week 15: Nolvadex 10mg ED, zink 45mg ED