Just wow!

Obama Downplays NSA's Privacy Violation By Calling It 'A Modest Encroachment' (Video) | Elite Daily

Obama addressed the nation earlier today in an attempt to reassure the public that their private lives weren’t being scrupulously investigated by the NSA since it was revealed this week that the NSA is going through millions of peoples’ phone records and emails to find terrorists.

He tried to calm us down, but most would agree that his words didn’t exactly make those in hysterics over the NSA’s actions feel better at all. He just told us what we already knew, and that’s that these operations are necessary to make sure the government is doing everything it can to track down potential threats to national security.

“I think it’s important to understand that you can’t have 100 percent security and then have 100 percent privacy and zero inconvenience…When you actually look at the details, I think we’ve struck the right balance,” he continued.
Obama also reiterated that while the NSA will be looking at who you called, who called you and how long the call lasted, the content of the conversation will not be investigated.

“Nobody is listening to your phone calls,” the president said, calling the collection of phone records a “modest encroachment.”