Extra push We all find our selves hitting a plateau from time to time. The question is what can we do to break down the wall and of course get bigger? Some people will tell you to stop training take a break; I am not sure if I believe this is the right thing to do. The whole thing with over training in my opinion is way over done. I am not saying that it can not be done, but I know many people who train the way they are suppose to and hit a plateau. They are not over training the muscles have just adapted to there training method. Does this mean throw the whole routine away and start over? I do not think so; with a little push you can trigger growth again. The thing that a lot of people do not realize is that our muscles have memory. What I mean is that they remember what we do through out a day and adapt to that. Look at it this way if they grow every time we lifted something all the bricklayers and ironworkers in the world would look like professional bodybuilders.Fitness bodybuilding diet nutrition weights training weight training weightlifting power lifting exercise loss weight lose weight
