Motivation One of the hardest things to do when trying to lose weight or gain muscle is getting in the gym. While this is not easy it is the most important. Yes, eating right is 70 to 80 percent of your transformation; you need both exercise and proper diet to be successful. Here are 5 ways to help you get motivated to get to the gym. 1Listen to music. Find what ever music that gets your blood flowing. It is scientifically proven that listening to music helps you when you are working out, it will also help you get ready for the gym. So whether you are in the car, on your bike, or walking to the gym listen to whatever lifts you up and gets you ready. 2Eat right Eating right helps in weight loss of course, but it also helps with energy levels. If you but junk in your body than you will be sluggish and in return there will be a smaller chance you will make it to your workout. 3Supplements Find a good pre-workout that gives a good muscle pump and boosts energy.motivation loose weight gain muscle gym
