Hey. I'm doing Test 700mg (450mg Test prop and 250mg Enathate)per week, with that tren at 350mg per week. This is my last week with tren and I'm now going to hit dbol low dose for 5 weeks(20mg ED),

I'm also on EQ 400mg per week.
Also taking 0.5mg arimidex EOD and I do not bloat that much, nothing that is bothering me anyway.

Now, I can't make up my mind if I should do proviron at 25mg ED with the dbol and test(same dose) or if I should get some more arimidex and run it at 0.5mgED.

The cycle that is left now looks like this:

Week 6-9: EQ 400mg every week
Week 6-10 Test prop 450mg + 250mg Enathate every week(ED injections)
Week 6-10 either proviron 25mg ED + arimdex 0.5mg EOD "OR" arimidex 0.5mg ED.

I can't do both arimdiex ED and proviron ED, no money for it. I can't do 50mg ED of the proviron, do not have money for that either so the one to choose between would be: 25mg proviron ED + 0.5mg arimi EOD or arimi 0.5mg ED.

I like the idea of the proviron lowering the SHBG(free tset - sexhormone), and maybe will be a help for gaining even more.

I need help really fast, thanks!