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  1. Belt testing (9 replies)
  2. Have you read any good books lately? (10 replies)
  3. Anyone ever tell you that you look like a celeb? (19 replies)
  4. Don't forget to get your flu shots! (6 replies)
  5. WaMu collapsed (10 replies)
  6. g'morning fg (5 replies)
  8. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (4 replies)
  9. I told her to call the cops last night. (10 replies)
  10. Why did he quit! (4 replies)
  11. John McCain goes back to Washington (0 replies)
  12. Dem's want economic recovery package as part of the deal (3 replies)
  13. Funny Stuff!!! (2 replies)
  14. "O2... DONT LOOK" (6 replies)
  15. Ronnie Coleman (17 replies)
  16. Gas Shortage (15 replies)
  17. The X-Files 2: I Want to Believe (3 replies)
  18. FLEX interview with RONNIE COLEMAN (0 replies)
  19. marrying a Chicago girl (9 replies)
  20. explaining politics (0 replies)
  21. G'MORNIN FG (5 replies)
  22. A GAME OF CHICKEN (1 replies)
  23. Three Navy Ships (3 replies)
  24. IT TOOK GEORGE BUSH (1 replies)
  25. the bridge to no where (1 replies)
  26. If you lean one way or the other (0 replies)
  27. Oh My Holy Heck!!! (4 replies)
  28. The Monk! (2 replies)
  29. Hope This Helps Everyone (4 replies)
  30. mccain suspends his campaign (23 replies)
  31. Good news guys (13 replies)
  32. c'mon smart people!!! (0 replies)
  33. ***FOR DAV150*** (11 replies)
  34. Saving the Rich (16 replies)
  35. fringe (5 replies)
  36. Idoit Biden (2 replies)
  37. Obama's taxes could wreck economy (6 replies)
  38. Halloween decorations (6 replies)
  39. Pumpkin seeds (4 replies)
  40. Info for GERD sufferers (2 replies)
  41. New google phone (0 replies)
  42. How rivals will seek edge in 1st debate (5 replies)
  43. Man arrested near Obama's home charged (0 replies)
  44. g'morning fg (4 replies)
  45. bob seger, feel like a number (4 replies)
  46. Remember these pants from the late 80's (19 replies)
  47. ) Obama's "Tax Cut" is Income Redistribution (RCP) (0 replies)
  48. The Story Behind Biden's Emergency Helicopter Landing (1 replies)
  49. Obama may scale back promises" Another Joe Biden Gaffe (0 replies)
  50. Anyone heard of this condition? (3 replies)
  51. Did Obama Just Lose Pennsylvania? (0 replies)
  52. Anyone go to this gym?? (5 replies)
  53. george will in the wall street journal (3 replies)
  54. Sarah Palin...I mean wtf????? (35 replies)
  55. What is not a necessity? (11 replies)
  57. Obama aids complain first debate does not favor Obama (0 replies)
  58. BIDEN GAFFE'S,'No coal plants here in America' (1 replies)
  60. Apparently Most Senators Don't Like Communism (14 replies)
  61. NO TOILET PAPER (3 replies)
  62. Schwarzenneger: I hit the bong with Chong (8 replies)
  63. If You Could Have 1 Super Power.... (26 replies)
  64. Who is the REAL Reformer: Obama or McCain? (0 replies)
  65. Sleep (7 replies)
  66. WHO WANTS A SMART CAR? (13 replies)
  67. obamas taxes could wreck the economy (0 replies)
  68. Healthy eating (2 replies)
  69. plastic surgery (29 replies)
  70. Life (8 replies)
  71. Good morning! (4 replies)
  72. 33% of Democrats will not vote obama (1 replies)
  73. The Rules of The Big.............. (0 replies)
  74. Rockwall (3 replies)
  75. Do you yahoo? (6 replies)
  76. Evening funny (3 replies)
  77. She "feels F--ked over" by Barracuda song!LOL (1 replies)
  78. czar paulson, is busy busy busy (1 replies)
  79. Is Biden stepping down? (9 replies)
  80. Don't Be Fooled Again By (1 replies)
  81. Halloween Costume plans (4 replies)
  82. HAHAHAHA Washington Post! (1 replies)
  83. OOPS OBAMA SLIPPING (1 replies)
  84. THANK YOU BIDEN (2 replies)
  86. bush is a total tool (2 replies)
  87. strap on your helmets boyz and girls (3 replies)
  88. OBAMA ILLINOIS (0 replies)
  89. China says no to US greenbacks. (1 replies)
  90. $104 Per man, women, and child on the entire planet. (4 replies)
  91. the declaration of independence (5 replies)
  92. Write to all Congress with one Email! (0 replies)
  93. Here are the telephone and emails for all Senators and Represenatives! (15 replies)
  94. Here comes a fleet of russians (0 replies)
  95. rural US contests (0 replies)
  96. Does where a presidential candidate went to school matter to you? (2 replies)
  97. A Marine and A Sailor - dedicated with love to my one and only Stray.... (2 replies)
  98. Two Faced Liberals (5 replies)
  99. Day 4 of Communism (2 replies)
  100. get bitter and they cling to guns (3 replies)
  101. GUNBANOBAMA (1 replies)
  102. i'm beginning to think (25 replies)
  103. i found this VERY interesting..( religious) (2 replies)
  104. Good afternoon! (2 replies)
  105. On the view today (2 replies)
  106. Favorite 80's movies (3 replies)
  107. Hows your Perception- VERY COOL!!! (11 replies)
  108. Barack Obama admitting he doesn't understand the Stock Market (video (0 replies)
  109. 80's kids (33 replies)
  110. a serious question on religion (6 replies)
  111. What do you all do...... (2 replies)
  112. Would you rather? (7 replies)
  113. HUGE TURTLE (3 replies)
  114. The Truth About Barack Obama (0 replies)
  115. true blood (9 replies)
  116. Has anyone been here? (7 replies)
  117. Czar Paulson (1 replies)
  118. christianity was plagerized...stolen (39 replies)
  119. Help Me Fuzo (9 replies)
  120. zeitgeist---full movie (3 replies)
  121. Holy Crap Batman (9 replies)
  122. 9/11 hijackers (0 replies)
  123. Barack’s Wall Street Problem is Now America’s (No Quarter) (1 replies)
  124. NY’s Independence Party endorses McCain (0 replies)
  125. a list of governments (12 replies)
  126. Murdoch: Obama's economic policies are 'naive' (4 replies)
  127. The Abyss (4 replies)
  128. People are still spending money! (12 replies)
  129. John and Cindy McCain..... (6 replies)
  130. What erks you today! (13 replies)
  131. Good mornin! (2 replies)
  132. tryin to upload pics (3 replies)
  133. 69% of reporters (8 replies)
  134. YouTube - Obama yells at elderly Iowa (0 replies)
  135. trip I thought you said no lobbyists for obama (8 replies)
  136. Raising taxes is patriotic (40 replies)
  137. Obamonopoly - Fannie & Freddie (6 replies)
  139. question about palestine (12 replies)
  140. John McCain Ad: "Nothing New (0 replies)
  141. gettin my nose fixed (2 replies)
  142. GOOD MORNIN (1 replies)
  143. FOR THOSE WHO LIKE FAUX NEWS (8 replies)
  144. Clearly Defined Comparative Talking Points (0 replies)
  145. Could this be the real reason BO chose Biden as his VP pick? (12 replies)
  146. Obama is a divider Another dem to Mccain (0 replies)
  147. An interesting comparison (0 replies)
  148. STREET KINGS (5 replies)
  149. Obsession in Sundays newspaper (9 replies)
  150. WHAT IF IRAN GETS NUCLEAR (84 replies)
  151. The economy (3 replies)
  152. Ok all... Time for some help/fun (13 replies)
  153. polls (0 replies)
  154. McCain Wins Endorsement of Democrat (1 replies)
  155. TAXES...DO YOU KNOW MOST OF THEM? (1 replies)
  156. gym etiquette (4 replies)
  157. Nothing can stop 80-year-old weightlifter Ray Moon (6 replies)
  158. journalism is dead (5 replies)
  159. WOW!!! CENSUS BUREAU STATS!! (3 replies)
  160. Political and religious discussions (6 replies)
  161. GOOD MORNIN (5 replies)
  162. My Last Post (5 replies)
  163. Cable News Ratings - (1 replies)
  164. But i think mccain will win (4 replies)
  165. Obama Lies (2 replies)
  166. Democratic Congress Calling It Quits As Soon As Possible (0 replies)
  167. Conceal Carry license (10 replies)
  168. micromedia banner (0 replies)
  169. Democrats not to Blame? (4 replies)
  170. Just a little warning for men.... (4 replies)
  171. TERRORISM THREAD (3 replies)
  172. Does anyone get that food delivery at home?? (8 replies)
  173. License plate (5 replies)
  174. Headaches (0 replies)
  175. Ron Paul on the Financial Crisis (12 replies)
  176. twas a bit disappointed (8 replies)
  177. Obama Stalls Troop (0 replies)
  178. Obama's Looming Tax Problem (3 replies)
  179. a american girl (2 replies)
  180. This is so cool! (2 replies)
  181. Favorite restaurant chain (not fast food chain) (27 replies)
  182. Another Little One on the Way (13 replies)
  183. Who to Vote for??? (5 replies)
  184. more palin lies....( sigh ) (5 replies)
  185. g'mornin fg (4 replies)
  186. Donald Trump endorses John McCain (0 replies)
  187. Defending Palin from accusations of rape kit fee (5 replies)
  188. Solution to the problem with the economy... (11 replies)
  189. More invasion of privacy! (17 replies)
  190. Taoism (35 replies)
  191. Obama: Unfit to be Commander-in Chief (3 replies)
  192. Caught sleeping at work? These might help... (7 replies)
  193. Optical Illusion (6 replies)
  194. Obama Has More Than Ayers To Worry About Now (0 replies)
  195. Obama's war room!!! (parody) (2 replies)
  196. 16 die in attack on U.S. Em****y in Yemen (2 replies)
  197. THE ECONOMY (13 replies)
  198. The teleprompter did not break (18 replies)
  199. Obama picks up about $9 million in Hollywood (3 replies)
  200. O2'S NEW TREE SWING (1 replies)
  201. Network - "There is no democracy" (0 replies)
  202. Network - Mad as Hell Scene (0 replies)
  203. "Network" 1976 -- Turn off your TV! (0 replies)
  204. Who owns you Americans? (1 replies)
  205. Turn off your TV - now! The illusions of the Corporate Media (9 replies)
  206. How Long Will Americans Stay Apathetic To The Reality (1 replies)
  207. this is a good ad.. (9 replies)
  208. Celebrate Constitution Day Sept. 17th (1 replies)
  209. Pakistan orders open fire on US troops !! (5 replies)
  210. A Perfect Circle - Counting Bodies (0 replies)
  211. house of cards (0 replies)
  212. GOOD MORNIN (4 replies)
  213. g'morning fg (2 replies)
  214. Prominent Hillary backer Rothschild to endorse McCain (0 replies)
  215. 88 minutes (6 replies)
  216. 2005 warning of an "enormous risk" to the housing market (0 replies)
  217. liberal support (8 replies)
  218. The end of Geico commercials (3 replies)
  219. Lucky Day? (3 replies)
  220. HOUSE (2 replies)
  221. Today's giggle (3 replies)
  222. cool pic i came across (7 replies)
  223. Mike Dukakis Ad from 1988; SOUND FAMILIAR??? (4 replies)
  224. Celebrities for Obama (0 replies)
  225. GOOD MORNIN (3 replies)
  226. Shocking Obama Not ready for Primetime (0 replies)
  227. Black Talk Host Says Obama Not Truthful; Reveals Facts (5 replies)
  228. The Lying King - Here's a Disney movie for Matt Damon (0 replies)
  229. uh oh obama (0 replies)
  230. Obama tried to stall troop withdrawl from Iraq (0 replies)
  231. Give grade for Palin's interview (19 replies)
  233. When Did It Become Wrong for Our Elected Leaders (1 replies)
  234. What size are your balls? (11 replies)
  235. Truck for sale (3 replies)
  236. MOTHERS (2 replies)
  237. Sarah Palin & Hillary Clinton (snl) (7 replies)
  238. McCain's ad gone too far - Karl Rove said (3 replies)
  239. -"Records show McCain more bipartisan" (0 replies)
  241. g'mornin fg (4 replies)
  242. MCCAIN NOT LIKE BUSH (2 replies)
  243. The Few, The Proud, The Marines (1 replies)
  244. Obama's contradictions on earmarks (2 replies)
  245. Obama's Latest Low Blow (2 replies)
  246. Matt Damon is an idiot (2 replies)
  247. Whats your favorite place or thing to do in the Fall? (6 replies)
  249. im back missed it here (11 replies)
  250. Obama's earmarks (0 replies)