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  1. Heart failure risk may be affected by weight gain (2 replies)
  2. Natural cannabinoids from omega-3 fatty acids combat inflammation (3 replies)
  3. When the body attacks the food you eat (1 replies)
  4. Type 2 diabetes statistics: Facts and trends (0 replies)
  5. Unhealthful plant-based diet can increase heart disease risk (0 replies)
  6. Daily tomato consumption may protect against skin cancer (1 replies)
  7. What causes food cravings? (0 replies)
  8. Ways to make your comfort Foods Taste Great (0 replies)
  9. Seven benefits of kefir (1 replies)
  10. Improving diet quality over time linked with reduced risk of premature death (0 replies)
  11. Chronic liver inflammation linked to Western diet (0 replies)
  12. Strawberry compound may prevent Alzheimer's (0 replies)
  13. Your daily coffee could help you live longer (7 replies)
  14. How does a high-fat diet raise colorectal cancer risk? (0 replies)
  15. Seven-day diabetes meal plan: Options for healthful eating (0 replies)
  16. Maternal sugar intake linked to allergic asthma in offspring (0 replies)
  17. Gut microbes influence the body's response to high-fat diet (0 replies)
  18. Immune cells in the brain could be targets for obesity treatment (2 replies)
  19. Breast cancer: Maternal high-fat diet raises risk across generations (0 replies)
  20. Vitamin B12 shots: Uses, benefits, and side effects (2 replies)
  21. Parts of Mediterranean diet shown to prevent colorectal cancer (0 replies)
  22. Polydipsia: Causes, symptoms, and treatment (0 replies)
  23. MCH levels in blood tests: What do they mean? (1 replies)
  24. Belladonna: Uses and risks (0 replies)
  25. L-arginine: Potential benefits, side effects, and risks (0 replies)
  26. Is Oolong Tea Healthier Than Other Types of Tea? (0 replies)
  27. Hibiscus tea: Health benefits and risks (2 replies)
  28. Food poisoning duration: How long do symptoms last? (1 replies)
  29. Early menopause: Eating vegetable protein tied to lower risk (0 replies)
  30. Iron deficiency anemia: Causes, symptoms, and management (1 replies)
  31. Vitamin D deficiency: Symptoms, causes, and prevention (2 replies)
  32. Plant fats alter gut bacteria to ease Crohn's symptoms (0 replies)
  33. Garcinia cambogia: Does it work? (0 replies)
  34. Rheumatoid arthritis: Regular fish intake may ease symptoms (3 replies)
  35. Grape extracts may protect against colon cancer (0 replies)
  36. Somogyi effect: Causes and prevention (0 replies)
  37. Dairy: Is it good or bad for you? (0 replies)
  38. Turmeric, red grape, and apple compounds 'starve' prostate cancer cells (0 replies)
  39. Phenylketonuria: Symptoms, tests, and treatment (0 replies)
  40. Eating french fries may double the risk of early death (0 replies)
  41. Broccoli sprout extract may help to treat type 2 diabetes (0 replies)
  42. Could lack of vitamin A be a cause of diabetes? (0 replies)
  43. Easy Ways You Can Add More Protein To Your Diet (8 replies)
  44. Healthy diet? That depends on your genes (2 replies)
  45. Research finds decadent-sounding descriptions could lead to higher consumption of vegetables (0 replies)
  46. Drinking diet beverages during pregnancy linked to child obesity, NIH study suggests (0 replies)
  47. Menopause: Do vitamins help? (1 replies)
  48. Ulcerative colitis flares: Managing and easing symptoms (22 replies)
  49. Children shorter if they drink non-cow's milk, study suggests (0 replies)
  50. Pregnancy diet high in refined grains could increase child obesity risk by age 7, NIH study suggests (0 replies)
  51. Low-fat dairy intake may raise Parkinson's risk (0 replies)
  52. Is white or whole wheat bread 'healthier?' Depends on the person (0 replies)
  53. Listeria infection could be prevented with gut bacteria, study finds (0 replies)
  54. Later meal times can promote weight gain and upset metabolism (3 replies)
  55. Chocolate allergy vs. chocolate sensitivity: Triggers and symptoms (0 replies)
  56. Brain cancer could be prevented with olive oil compound (0 replies)
  57. Top 7 Nutrition Mistakes Derailing Your Progress (0 replies)
  58. The part of rice we don't eat may be highly nutritious (0 replies)
  59. What time we eat affects our biological clock, study finds (0 replies)
  60. Honey vs. sugar: Is honey really better for you? (3 replies)
  61. Foods to avoid for people with diabetes (0 replies)
  62. Stress in late pregnancy may fuel binge eating in female offspring (0 replies)
  63. Can people with type 2 diabetes eat honey? (0 replies)
  64. Nausea after eating: Symptoms, causes, and treatment (0 replies)
  65. Super Food - A Strong Cup Of Mushrooms?? (0 replies)
  66. Coconut palm sugar: Can people with diabetes eat it? (3 replies)
  67. Eating more fiber may lower risk of osteoarthritis (0 replies)
  68. Garlic is an Effective Natural Treatment for Heart Disease — New Research (0 replies)
  69. Chocolate may cut risk of irregular heartbeat by a fifth (2 replies)
  70. Just one small glass of wine per day increases breast cancer risk (5 replies)
  71. Avoid fruit juice up to the age of 1 year, say the AAP (4 replies)
  72. Eating more fruits and vegetables may lower risk of blockages in leg arteries (1 replies)
  73. 5 Amazing Fit Foods You’ve Never Heard Of (1 replies)
  74. Benefits of Whey Protein for Women (0 replies)
  75. Mindful eating may help people lose weight, study finds (0 replies)
  76. Dehydration headaches: Signs, treatment, and prevention (0 replies)
  77. Are food allergies overdiagnosed? (0 replies)
  78. History of diabetes: Past treatments and new discoveries (0 replies)
  79. Lactose intolerance linked to lower vitamin D levels (0 replies)
  80. Whole tomato extract may prevent, treat stomach cancer (0 replies)
  81. Ketogenic diet for type 2 diabetes: Does it work? (2 replies)
  82. Best ice cream for type 2 diabetes (0 replies)
  83. Top 5 High-Protein Vegetarian Foods (1 replies)
  84. Recipe Hacks: Cut Calories – Not Taste! (0 replies)
  85. Beware of parasites in raw/undercooked fish, warn doctors (4 replies)
  86. Common sweetener in low-cal foods also a marker for weight gain (1 replies)
  87. Is There A Solution For Constant Fatigue? (2 replies)
  88. Best smoothies for people with diabetes (0 replies)
  89. Everything We Know About Salt is Wrong (0 replies)
  90. Plant-rich DASH diet linked to lower risk of gout (0 replies)
  91. Better Fast Food Choices (2 replies)
  92. Grocery lists for type 2 diabetes: What to buy and what to avoid (0 replies)
  93. Dawn phenomenon: How to control high morning blood sugars (0 replies)
  94. How Much Soy Can You Really Eat Before It Affects Your Testosterone? (0 replies)
  95. Fast food and diabetes: Tips and options for eating out (0 replies)
  96. Insect Based Proteins (4 replies)
  97. Can wine protect your neurons? Study investigates (0 replies)
  98. Pros and Cons of Cheap Protein Powder (1 replies)
  99. Omega-3 intake through mother's breast milk may lower type 1 diabetes risk (0 replies)
  100. Carb counting for diabetes: Meal planning to manage blood sugar (0 replies)
  101. Sunscreen may cause vitamin D deficiency, says study (2 replies)
  102. Why do some of us have a sweet tooth? Study investigates (2 replies)
  103. Are oats gluten-free? Know the facts (0 replies)
  104. Food insecurity can affect your mental health (0 replies)
  105. Should You Take Citrulline Supplements? (0 replies)
  106. Best vegetables for type 2 diabetes (1 replies)
  107. Dinner ideas for people with type 2 diabetes (1 replies)
  108. Vitamin C Gold (3 replies)
  109. Apple cider vinegar and diabetes: Does it help and how is it taken? (3 replies)
  110. Are peanuts good for diabetes? Effect on disease risk (0 replies)
  111. Gut bacteria tell the brain what animals should eat (2 replies)
  112. Italian-style coffee could halve the risk of prostate cancer (0 replies)
  113. Energy drinks linked to more heart, blood pressure changes than caffeinated drinks alone (2 replies)
  114. Lunch ideas for people with type 2 diabetes (0 replies)
  115. Artery-clogging saturated fat myth debunked (2 replies)
  116. High blood pressure: Sodium may not be the culprit (0 replies)
  117. Study of bacteria's DNA fingerprint suggests it could be spreading around Europe via food distribution (1 replies)
  118. Compound in aged cheese may prevent liver cancer, boost longevity (0 replies)
  119. Are you a chocaholic? Your genes could be to blame (1 replies)
  120. Can diabetes be cured? A review of therapies and lifestyle changes (0 replies)
  121. Seven herbs and supplements for type 2 diabetes (0 replies)
  122. Diet tips for gastritis and stomach ulcers (0 replies)
  123. Researchers find strong link between fast-food ads and consumption among pre-schoolers (0 replies)
  124. The Truth About BCAA's and the Dirty Secret Supplement Companies are Hiding (1 replies)
  125. Drinking beetroot juice before exercising boosts brain performance (1 replies)
  126. Vanderbilt-led study shows high-salt diet decreases thirst, increases hunger (0 replies)
  127. Overactive bladder in children: Causes, symptoms, and treatment (0 replies)
  128. Torch Calories with a Med Ball (1 replies)
  129. 6 Most Common Nutrition Mistakes (0 replies)
  130. 6 ways to eat clean when traveling (3 replies)
  131. Diet tips for psoriatic arthritis: Foods to eat and avoid (0 replies)
  132. Some strategies to limit sugary drinks may backfire (0 replies)
  133. NUTRITION QUICK TIPS (0 replies)
  134. Low-fat milk, yogurt may reduce depression risk (0 replies)
  135. Magnesium may prevent bone fractures (1 replies)
  136. Ten natural treatments for psoriatic arthritis (0 replies)
  137. How stevia may help to control blood sugar (2 replies)
  138. Fresh fruit may prevent diabetes and related complications (1 replies)
  139. Can a gluten-free diet help with psoriasis? (0 replies)
  140. Olive oil compound found to reverse the damage of high-fat diet (0 replies)
  141. 'Lung sparing effect' may protect lung function at the expense of other growth in malnourished children (0 replies)
  142. As kids' weight climbs, power of healthy fat supplements drops (0 replies)
  143. 10 Foods That Help Boost Your Immune System (1 replies)
  144. 8 Foods that are Great for Heart Health (0 replies)
  145. No TV during meals may lower obesity risk (1 replies)
  146. Potassium as important as sodium for healthy blood pressure (1 replies)
  147. What causes an overactive bladder? (0 replies)
  148. Monthly high-dose vitamin D supplementation does not prevent cardiovascular disease (0 replies)
  149. Tired of Water? Try Eating Your Fluids Next Workout (0 replies)
  150. You Should Eat the Peel of These 12 Fruits and Vegetables (1 replies)
  151. Are White Potatoes Healthy? (1 replies)
  152. Yeast extract may boost brain function (0 replies)
  153. Omega-3s may help to treat type 1 diabetes (0 replies)
  154. Low-calorie sweeteners increase fat formation, study finds (0 replies)
  155. 15 Foods That are Great for Cutting Body Fat (0 replies)
  156. Gluten Intolerance: Is Wheat Making You Fat? (0 replies)
  157. Time delays in vending machines prompt healthier snack choices (1 replies)
  158. Foods to eat and foods to avoid to fight breast cancer (0 replies)
  159. Are Having Cheat Days Really Healthy? (2 replies)
  160. Losing Weight Without Tracking Calories (0 replies)
  161. Study reveals listeria bacteria can hide inside tissue of romaine lettuce (1 replies)
  162. Legumes may lower risk of type 2 diabetes (0 replies)
  163. InstaKetones™ & How They Transform Your Metabolism (1 replies)
  164. NUTRITION QUICK TIPS (0 replies)
  165. 5 Foods That Aren’t As Healthy As You Think (0 replies)
  166. Losing Weight Without Tracking Calories (0 replies)
  167. Larger doses of vitamin C may lead to a greater reduction in common cold duration (2 replies)
  168. Frequent urination in women: Causes and treatment (0 replies)
  169. 'Medicinal food' diet counters onset of type 1 diabetes (0 replies)
  170. Best insulin injection sites: Absorption time and rotation (0 replies)
  171. Drinking tea could help stave off cognitive decline (0 replies)
  172. Night-time urination reduced by cutting salt in diet (0 replies)
  173. Children with poor vitamin B12 status early in life struggle more with tasks, recognition and interpreting feelings (0 replies)
  174. The Dangers of a Gluten Free Diet (3 replies)
  175. Good Fat, Bad Fat: A Paleo Perspective (1 replies)
  176. Tree nut allergy: Avoiding all tree nuts 'may not be necessary' (0 replies)
  177. What is cholesterol ratio and why is it important? (0 replies)
  178. Diet tips to improve insulin resistance (0 replies)
  179. 5 Foods That Aren’t As Healthy As You Think (0 replies)
  180. How do alcohol and caffeine affect A-fib? (1 replies)
  181. How to use basal insulin: Benefits, types, and dosage (0 replies)
  182. Oral allergy syndrome: Foods, symptoms, and treatments (0 replies)
  183. Food insecurity in early childhood linked to young children's skills in kindergarten (0 replies)
  184. Alzheimer's linked to unsaturated fatty acids in the brain (0 replies)
  185. Caffeine: How it Works For and Against Your Performance (1 replies)
  186. Dementia not prevented with vitamin E, selenium, study finds (0 replies)
  187. Women, particularly minorities, do not meet nutrition guidelines shortly before pregnancy (0 replies)
  188. How insulin and glucagon work to regulate blood sugar levels (0 replies)
  189. Scientists are gauging how mood influences eating habits (0 replies)
  190. Eating fruits and vegetables may lower women's stress risk (0 replies)
  191. Taking B vitamins may reduce epigenetic effects of air pollution (1 replies)
  192. Craving chocolate? Psychological technique could help you resist (0 replies)
  193. Vitamin C can target and kill cancer stem cells, study shows (0 replies)
  194. HIV and diarrhea: Causes, treatment, and remedies (0 replies)
  195. Poor diet to blame for almost half of CVD deaths (0 replies)
  196. Sodium intake high, rising among people with high blood pressure (0 replies)
  197. Too little gluten in our diet may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes (0 replies)
  198. Photos show promise as dietary assessment tool, but more training needed (0 replies)
  199. Caffeine may ward off dementia by boosting protective enzyme (0 replies)
  200. Sexual benefits of zinc: Can it help treat erectile dysfunction? (2 replies)
  201. Red wine compound found to slow down neural aging in mice (0 replies)
  202. Soy may improve survival rates in some breast cancer patients (0 replies)
  203. Cholesterol levels: What they mean and keeping them healthy (0 replies)
  204. Pure hypercholesterolemia: Causes, symptoms, and treatment (0 replies)
  205. Is rice gluten-free? Grains explained (0 replies)
  206. Cheese may raise breast cancer risk, but yogurt could reduce it (0 replies)
  207. Researchers aim to debunk myths on antioxidant pills, juicing, other dietary fads (0 replies)
  208. Ketogenic diet may protect against gout (0 replies)
  209. Living with COPD: Tips, activities, and treatments (0 replies)
  210. Can red ginseng help treat erectile dysfunction? (0 replies)
  211. Diabetic mice on fasting-mimicking diet repair insulin-producing pancreas cells (0 replies)
  212. Dementia risk reduced by eating 'five-a-day' (0 replies)
  213. Modified Atkins diet helps children with rare form of epilepsy (0 replies)
  214. Eating 10 portions of fruits and veg daily best for health (2 replies)
  215. Eating fruits and vegetables reduces lung disease risk (0 replies)
  216. Is shrimp high in cholesterol? Nutritional and heart health information (1 replies)
  217. Lou Gehrig's disease: Mercury in fish, seafood could be risk factor (0 replies)
  218. Natural and home remedies for a sore throat (0 replies)
  219. Cholesterol test: Uses, what to expect, results (0 replies)
  220. Carbs help the body recover after intense workout (1 replies)
  221. Vitamin B-3 successfully prevents glaucoma in mice (0 replies)
  222. B vitamins may improve schizophrenia symptoms (1 replies)
  223. High levels of vitamin D may improve muscle strength (1 replies)
  224. Gluten-free diet may have 'unintended consequences' for health (0 replies)
  225. Dietary supplement could improve heart health (0 replies)
  226. Sugar, salt, and fat taxes could save billions in health care costs (1 replies)
  227. Mediterranean diet enriched with virgin olive oil may protect the heart (0 replies)
  228. Obesity may raise heart risk by triggering harmful immune response (0 replies)
  229. Glucose or fructose: A new study about the impact of sugar on metabolism and cardiovascular health (0 replies)
  230. Gout and Diet: Nutritional Information and What to Avoid (0 replies)
  231. Eating more fruits, vegetables boosts psychological well-being in just 2 weeks (5 replies)
  232. Whole grains may lead to a healthier gut, better immune responses (0 replies)
  233. Whole grains increase metabolism, may help promote weight loss (3 replies)
  234. Fetal exposure to bisphenol A disrupts the body's endocrine system (1 replies)
  235. Alpha-lipoic acid prevents kidney stones in mouse model of rare genetic disease (0 replies)
  236. 24 Hour Bodybuilding Fast (0 replies)
  237. Diet Tips for COPD (1 replies)
  238. Is licorice intake during pregnancy linked to ADHD in offspring? (0 replies)
  239. Food insecurity: A pervasive and persistent threat to the developmental and psychosocial health of children (0 replies)
  240. Could a Mediterranean diet protect against ADHD? (0 replies)
  241. World-first trial shows improving diet can treat major depression (0 replies)
  242. Consuming toxic chemicals with our fast food? Chemicals of concern found in one third of fast food packaging tested (0 replies)
  243. Coffee and calories: How do your add-ins add up? (2 replies)
  244. Emu Oil: Uses, Benefits, and Side Effects (0 replies)
  245. Natural Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis (0 replies)
  246. Too little food from animal sources may increase risk of preterm birth (0 replies)
  247. Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis: Symptoms, Treatment, and Outlook (0 replies)
  248. Can mushrooms help delay or prevent dementia and Alzheimer's disease? (0 replies)
  249. Red meat: Good or bad for health? (6 replies)
  250. Nutritional considerations for healthy aging and reduction in age-related chronic disease (0 replies)