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    Thread: Beginers, How to build the Perfect Cycle

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      DieselXT's Avatar
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      Default Beginers, How to build the Perfect Cycle

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      • Beginers, How to build the Perfect Cycle

      • Beginers, How to build the Perfect Cycle
      • Beginers, How to build the Perfect Cycle
      • Beginers, How to build the Perfect Cycle
      • Beginers, How to build the Perfect Cycle
      • Beginers, How to build the Perfect Cycle
      • Beginers, How to build the Perfect Cycle
      So you want to create the perfect cycle for yourself. So how do you go about this? Well there’s a lot of things you need to know before you can sit down and create yourself a perfect cycle.

      The most important thing you need to know is what your EXACT goals are for THIS cycle. From here you can figure out exactly what steroids are right for you and at what dosages.

      So what about steroids, ancillaries, and other drugs do you need to know? You need to know the basics of the most popular drugs available.

      -Testosterone (Enan, Cyp, Prop, Sust, Omna)/Test

      -Nolvadex/Nolva (Tamoxifen)
      -Arimidex/Arim (Anastrozole)
      -Femera/Fem (Letrozole)
      -Aromasin (Exemestane)
      -Proviron (technically a steroid, but oft considered an ancillary)

      Other BBing/Performance Enhancing Drugs:
      -Human Growth Hormone/hGH/GH

      There are of course many other types of steroids, ancillaries and sports enhancing drugs, but they are extremely rare. I won’t go into a full discussion about each of the drugs above, but will just list properties of the drugs and state which steroids have those properties.

      -Large Mass Steroids: Test, Deca, Drol, D-bol and to a lesser extent: EQ, Primo
      -Strength Steroids: Test, Drol, D-bol, Tren and to a lesser extent: Halo, Var
      -Steroids that have low/no aromatization: Drol, EQ, Primo, Halo, Var, Tren, Winny
      -Steroids that raise red blood cell count: EQ, Drol and to a lesser extent: most others
      -Low-Lean Mass Steroids: Winny, Halo, Var, Tren
      -Steroids with direct fat-burning properties: Test, Tren, Var
      -Mostly Androgenic Steroids: Halo, Methyltest
      -Mostly Anabolic Steroids: Deca, EQ, Primo, Winny, Var
      -Highly Anabolic Androgens: D-bol, Drol, Tren
      -Mostly even Androgenic/Anabolic Steroids: Test
      -Steroid most likely to cause aggression: Tren
      -Liver Toxic Steroids: D-bol, Winny, Drol, Halo, Methyltest, Var
      -Short Acting Steroids: Test Prop, D-bol, Winny, Drol, Halo, Var, Tren
      -Long Acting Steroids: Test Enan, Test Cyp, Deca, EQ, Primo, Sust, Omna
      -Progestins: Deca, Anadrol
      -Prolactins: Tren
      -Acts like an estrogen: Anadrol
      -Anti-Progestin: Winny* (anecdotal evidence)
      -Drugs for Mass (excluding AAS): Slin
      -Drugs for Strength (excluding AAS): Slin, GH
      -Anti-Aromatases: Arimidex, Femera, Aromasin, Proviron
      -Anti-Estrogens: Nolvadex, Clomid
      -Anti-Androgens: Finasteride
      -Fat Burners: Clen, T3, DNP, GH
      -Anti-Prolactin: Bromo
      -Stimulates LH release: HCG
      -Aids HPTA recovery: Clomid, Nolva, GH
      -Drugs that increase red-blood cell count (excluding AAS): EPO, GH
      -Drugs that raise IGF-1 (excluding oral AAS): Slin, GH

      Ok so now that you know what drugs do what, we can begin to discuss what properties a cycle should have. From there we can begin to see how these drugs can be combined to form a “stack.” The idea behind the stack is to create a synergy between the drugs involved to give an effect that’s greater than the sum of the parts.

      Mass Cycles:
      These are cycles were all out mass is required. Here we give no consideration to fat gain, water gain or any of that stuff. We are just looking to pack on as much muscle as possible (don’t forget, water and fat are GOOD for muscle gains).

      To get all out mass, we need to attack our system from all angles. We need steroids that are highly androgenic and highly anabolic. We need steroids that are known to pack on a lot of mass. In general, steroids that do not aromatize, do not activate the AR and do not pack on a lot of mass aren’t needed. For injectables we would rather have long acting esters than short ones, as the long acting esters tend to pool up in your blood and generally leave you with more hormone at any given point. For orals we prefer those that either aromatize heavily, or cause an explosion of mass by similar estrogenic properties. The use of orals is mainly to kick off the mass cycle, gives you near instant results and puts your body in a good anabolic state when the long acting esters kick in.

      With all that said the best steroids for mass are: Test Enan, Test Cyp, Deca, D-bol and Drol. Advanced users can also use things like Insulin and GH.

      Cutting Cycles:
      Realize that with the exception of Test, Tren and Anavar, no steroid has a direct impact on fat burning. Even Test, Tren and Var have limited effects on fat burning. You shouldn’t go into a cutting cycle with the mindset of “These steroids are going to help me loose fat.” Instead you should think of the steroids as muscle sparring. Basically you’re using them to preserve the muscle that you have, while, diet, cardio and your true fat burners (like Clen, DNP and T3) work on the fat. All steroids listed above meet the first requirement; they will all help you retain muscle in a calorie deficient diet. However, if you are cutting you certainly do not want your steroids to be in the way either. Some steroids (drol) actually make it harder to loose fat. Others can bloat you up so bad that even with a low body fat percentage, most of your definition can be lost. So what we need here is steroids that are more androgenic than anabolic. We need steroids that have direct fat burning properties and steroids that do not aromatize heavily. If we do use a long acting ester, we would prefer to use one that doesn’t aromatize heavily, if the injectable does aromatize significantly, we would prefer to use a short acting ester as short acting esters don’t pool up, and an anti-aromatase would be a good idea.

      Best fat burners: Clen and T3. Advanced users may also use DNP and GH

      Best steroids for cutting: Test Prop, EQ, Primo, Tren, Winny, Halo, Proviron, Var

      Sports/Performance Enhancing Cycles:
      Now I can’t claim that I know what’s really best for a non-bodybuilding athlete. But I can take a guess and you guys that do participate in sports can probably figure it out given my explanations.

      First let's look at sports that require strength without increased mass. Obviously any “mass builder” is out the door. Any steroid that aromatizes heavily is not desirable here, as the extra water will certainly make you put on weight. Your best drugs for this purpose would be: Halo, Winny, Var and GH. If you can afford a few extra pounds (like in the offseason or what not), Tren would also be a good steroid.

      Now let’s look at cycles for sports that require endurance. As we’ve discussed before, some steroids increase red blood cell count significantly; this equals better endurance performance. The best drugs to use for this purpose are EQ, GH and EPO. Because EPO can have such a drastic effect on red blood cell count, it is NOT recommended that you use it along with steroids.

      When you use any steroid, your HPTA will be suppressed. What this means is that your system is not producing any endogenous testosterone, which means you won’t have any hormone to help maintain your gains. What good is a cycle if you can’t keep your gains? So the key to cycling is to get your endogenous test back on track ASAP.

      One thing that will hinder HPTA activation is excess estrogen, whether it is from aromatizable steroids used in your cycle or whether it be endogenous estrogen. Using anti-estrogens like Clomid and Nolva will help prevent this negative feedback.

      When your body sends out LH (leutinizing hormone), it signals your testicles to begin producing test again. During your cycle, LH release will be suppressed and will remain suppressed for a few weeks after your cycle. HCG mimics LH and helps your testicles start producing testosterone. For our purposes we should view HCG as a “bridge” between your cycle and the time your LH returns to normal function. However, HCG when used to heavily or for too long will actually suppress natural test production so it can be counter productive.

      Different cycles will suppress your HPTA to different degrees. Cycles including Deca and Fina will be more suppressive than cycles including Var and Primo. I don’t have the energy to design a post cycle therapy for each cycle, so I will post here a post cycle therapy program that should help you recover from any sane and sensible cycle.

      Before we outline the universal post-cycle therapy, we need to define when a cycle officially ends. If you are using long acting esters, your cycle ends 2-3 weeks after you take your last shot of the long ester (I wont explain why, just accept it). If you are using ONLY short acting steroids OR your last shot of long acting steroids was over 3 weeks ago, and the only thing you’ve been running since then is short acting steroids, then your cycle officially ends the last day of administration of your steroids.

      So given that, here is the universal post-cycle recovery program:

      2 Weeks Before End of Cycle: HCG @ 1500IUs 3 times a week
      1 Week Before End of Cycle: HCG @ 1500IUs 3 times a week
      First Week Post-Cycle: HCG @ 1500IUs 2 times a week

      Day 1 Post Cycle: Clomid @ 300mg
      Days 2-14: Clomid @ 100mg ED
      Days 15-28: Clomid @ 50mg ED

      Days 1-28: Nolva @ 20mg ED

      More advanced users can also experiment with GH, Slin and DNP.

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      Default Re: Beginers, How to build the Perfect Cycle

      Great read! Thanks for sharing!

    3. #3
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      Default Re: Beginers, How to build the Perfect Cycle

      Great article! However, why is var listed in the liver toxic group? Var is one of the easiest orals on the liver, if not the easiest.
      Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. George Washington

      I do not condone the use of, nor do I use anabolic or androgenic steroids. My participation on these boards is for informational purposes only. I have done extensive research of AAS and enjoy discussing them for role playing enjoyment.

    4. #4
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      Default Re: Beginers, How to build the Perfect Cycle

      Great post Diesel!

    5. #5
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      Default Re: Beginers, How to build the Perfect Cycle

      nice post diesel! good information and very straight forward.

    6. #6
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      Default Re: Beginers, How to build the Perfect Cycle

      First cycle should be test only. Im about sick of seeing all these damn 19 20 21 yr old newbs putting 2 and even 3 compounds in there first cycle. Say your taking 3 compounds for your first run. How are you gonna know whats doing what? Keep it simple. Cause if your diet is in check your first run could net you some very impressive gains with test only.

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      Default Re: Beginers, How to build the Perfect Cycle

      Quote Originally Posted by airagee23 View Post
      First cycle should be test only. Im about sick of seeing all these damn 19 20 21 yr old newbs putting 2 and even 3 compounds in there first cycle. Say your taking 3 compounds for your first run. How are you gonna know whats doing what? Keep it simple. Cause if your diet is in check your first run could net you some very impressive gains with test only.
      Yep, I ran a test only cycle for my first. It was testoviron depot 250mg amps at 500 a week. The next one I threw in some dbol fro 4 weeks with test e, and the one after that was prop and deca. I never ran deca again after that. I suffered from deca-d for a couple months, even with hcg for pct. I later found eq to be a good replacement.
      Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. George Washington

      I do not condone the use of, nor do I use anabolic or androgenic steroids. My participation on these boards is for informational purposes only. I have done extensive research of AAS and enjoy discussing them for role playing enjoyment.

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      Default Re: Beginers, How to build the Perfect Cycle

      Great sticky Diesel! Worthy of my first post

      One question. I totally agree about using test prop for a cutting cycle, and that is the conventional wisdom, but from experience I think a long estered test may actually be a better choice as long as the diet IS clean, and an AI is being used. IMO, the biggest factor in a cut is the diet itself, and proper water intake.

      Do you agree?

    9. #9
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      Default Re: Beginers, How to build the Perfect Cycle

      Thanks JD...

      I agree with you DIET is FIRST then drugs come second......The thing about test e lets say for cutting is that most people wont use it for cutting exactly due to the bloating but water can be
      mainted low with an AI....and diet and low sodium will maintain water low......my 2 cents........I think you can cut on anything as long as you do it right.....maybe not dbol though lol....

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      Default Re: Beginers, How to build the Perfect Cycle

      This article was the first thing I ever read when I looked up testosterone for the first time......

      "Take some Primo and Equipoise and you’ll get ripped!" I hear people say this kind of thing all the time. Frankly I disagree. I’ll go so far as to say no steroid will ever burn the fat off you! In this article, I will offer you a strategy to safe and effective fat-loss. It’s not the only way to get ripped or design a cutting cycle, but in my opinion, it’s one of the best ways.

      One of the first places you’ll need to look is at your diet. Without a good diet (and an ample cut in calories), you will not lose weight at an optimal rate. I suggest a ketogenic diet. The ideal diet for this cutting cycle would be one where no carbs are eaten at all. But since food is so yummy, I usually suggest a Bodyopus diet (5 days of no carbohydrates followed by 2 days of free eating). You should cut your calories to 90% of your Basal Metabolic Rate. Don’t worry if that sounds a little high on the calorie scale, the cardiovascular exercise you’ll be doing will bump up amount of calories burned.

      Cardiovascular exercise is definitely suggested. I’m sick of people thinking they can do without cardio! Even if you’re not doing it for fat-loss, do it for your heart. Jeep Swenson’s famous quote "I never do cardio" springs to mind. He died of a heart attack by the way. Steroid users should pay much more attention to their heart’s health than the average man should. Testosterone is cholesterol after all. I suggest doing your cardio in the morning and on an empty stomach. My favorite is swimming. Research has shown swimming, cross-country skiing, and mountain climbing to be the best cardiovascular exercises out there. "What about running?" You ask. Running is great, but there are a few reasons I would shy away from it. For one, it is very taxing on your joints. There’s a lot of constant pounding on joints like your knees and ankles. Running also puts more of the burden on your legs. That means the quads and calves you worked so hard to build up may end up melting away at a faster rate.

      Once your diet and cardio are in place, the next step is choosing the right drugs. As I stated earlier, no steroid will ever cause the fat to melt away! Sure some people see minor fat-loss that they attribute trenbolone or winstrol, but this is such a negligible amount that it is of no use to look at it any closer. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that steroids have no place in a cutting phase. They sure as hell do! But they will not be your major fat-burning source. The fat melts away from the cardio, dieting, and the other fat-loss drugs that we will talk about later. The steroids are there to maintain your muscle mass and such.

      Choosing the right juice to toss into a cutting phase shouldn’t be too hard of a choice. Just keep in mind that its only purpose is to maintain your muscle mass. Why people spend horrendous amounts of money on steroids like primobolan is beyond me. They won’t help burn the fat faster and they aren’t any better at maintaining your muscle. A simple juice like testosterone will maintain your muscle mass just fine. Doses as low as 250 mg a week are acceptable. But the fact remains that some people just don’t want testosterone in their cutting cycle. That’s ok. Personally I don’t use testosterone to cut either. After a while I just get this sick feeling from testosterone. It’s almost my body’s way of telling me I need a break. My cutting cycles are usually my break. Personally I like equipoise at 500 or so mg a week. It keeps the muscle on and I feel like I’m giving my body a rest from the heavy androgens. If you’re an athlete or are particularly interested in endurance, winstrol is another option. It increases your endurance like nothing else. But you have to think of your priorities. Winstrol costs quite an amount of money. Is it really worth it to you? Think about that. To me, it is. But then again, I’m an athlete not a bodybuilder. My sport requires a tremendous amount of endurance. When I do use winstrol, its usually about 500mg stacked with something like equipoise, trenbolone, and halotestin. Another option would be if you’re looking to gain strength during your cutting phase. Personally, I don’t know about that. You’ll be on a diet and doing heavy cardio, so you may want to save your strength cycle. But if you insist, I would suggest something like halotestin stacked with trenbolone and maybe some equipoise.

      So to recap: If you’re main focus is just fat-loss with minimal muscle loss, stick with a low dose testosterone. Make sure to toss an anti-estrogen in there too. After all, who the hell wants to be bloated on a cutting cycle? This is your time to look good! 20mg of nolvadex a day should do plenty to counter low-dose testosterone’s bloat … that is if you even get any at freaking 250mg a week. You could also replace the testosterone with something like 500mg of equipoise a week, depending on your preference. If you’re looking to add endurance, toss some winstrol on top of your equipoise or testosterone base. 500mg of winstrol seems like a good number. If you’re looking to add strength, build on your eq/test base with some trenbolone and halotestin. 20-25mg of halotestin everyday with 100mg of tren every other day will do wonders.

      Now on to what makes a cutting cycle a cutting cycle: fat-loss drugs. The two most popular substances are T3 and clen, stacked together to make a potent fat-burning combo. My views on the subject are going to be a little different than what some of you may be used to. First of all, I will not suggest a clen/T3 stack. My suggestion is just plain old T3. I experience so much fat-loss from the T3 alone, that I see no reason to add the clenbuterol in there. Add a diet and cardio into the mix, and clenbuterol is better saved for a different purpose (coming off a bulking cycle). The dose of T3 is another area in question. Personally, I suggest around 100mcg or so for around 4-5 weeks at a time. I know there are people out there that would disagree. Another newsletter has even suggested using as much T3 as you want and claims that prolonged exposure to T3 at high doses offers no real risk. The writer then goes on to make a challenge to anyone willing to disprove his theory. Well I’ve known way to many people who have had problems with T3 at higher doses. A friend of mine name Mike G. is on T3 for the rest of his ****ing life for going high. When he first heard the news it shattered him. He stopped lifting weights all together. Couple that with the post-T3 crashes you will experience even if you don’t screw yourself, and prolonged T3 usage at higher doses is a damn stupid idea! I mean can you imagine eating 3 salads a day and still gaining fat!? Yes, it’s happened. Stay with a moderate dose and taper up and down. Don’t be lazy, do the cardio and diet right and you won’t need large amounts of T3.

      One of the most important things to keep in mind is not letting yourself get caught up in the "glitter game". A lot of people get sooo excited planning their cycles that they need things like primo or some other exotic mix of juices to get turned onto the idea. Be sane. Use the right steroids, keep your doses of T3 safe, and do not cheat yourself on the diet and cardio. Good luck.

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      Default Re: Beginers, How to build the Perfect Cycle

      Good read

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      bump for beginners
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      Veritas Vos Liberabit

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      Default Re: Beginers, How to build the Perfect Cycle

      yes this is a great post i need to keep this somewhere safe

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      • Beginers, How to build the Perfect Cycle
      • Beginers, How to build the Perfect Cycle
      • Beginers, How to build the Perfect Cycle
      • Beginers, How to build the Perfect Cycle
      • Beginers, How to build the Perfect Cycle
      • Beginers, How to build the Perfect Cycle
      Good post thanks

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