Why all the myths about testosterone causing aggression?
Do you know that guys who have low testosterone levels suffer from horrible symptoms & face some pretty scary health risks and now doctors actually treat men who don’t produce enough male hormone? Guys with low amounts of the Test face impotence, greatly increased body fat, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, insomnia, depression, loss of muscle mass, suicidal thoughts, MOOD DISTURBANCES, IRRITABILITY, and AGGRESSION. So if medical experts agree that men with low testosterone are more prone to aggression, why do feminists still spread this bullsh*t?
Another myth is that estrogen is the “nice” hormone.. I’ve read countless articles by women who have no medical degree, no real experience with performance enhancing substances, and no doctor to back up their claims say that because steroids are testosterone, and aggression is a side effect from usage, that must mean that testosterone causes aggression. oblivious to the fact that men who take steroids don’t produce testosterone on their own and once the injections run their course the man is left with large amounts of estrogen. being a weightlifter (in America and Russia) I’ve had enough doctors who specialize in sports medicine, tell me that the reason these guys are prone to constant mood swings and aggressive behavior is do to estrogen not testosterone.
So why the myths? I don’t think links are necessary, type ‘low testosterone’ or talk to a medical professional who deals with steroids (there are plenty of legal ones).

Because of gender roles.
Men are supposed to be aggressive, and women are supposed to be passive, according to people who really adhere to gender roles or think that the differences between the sexes are entirely natural.
So when it was discovered that certain hormones were more plentiful in male bodies than female bodies, everyone just assumed WITH NO MERIT that that hormone caused those stereotypical traits. This is psuedo-science, and applies biases from the researcher to collected data and severely taints the integrity of the research.
What we have now discovered is that both sexes need both hormones (estrogen and testosterone) to function correctly. Men with low levels of testosterone are prone to depression and aggression. Women with low levels of testosterone don’t menstruate. Men with high levels of estrogen put more weight on through their chest and back and can be aggressive.
Estrogen and testosterone have vital roles in both genders, and they have very different roles in the human body. To simply say that one hormone is the counterpart of the other is completely and entirely false, and the product of really stupid sexual stereotypes tainting our understanding of science.
So what causes the myths? Sexism and the pervasiveness of gender roles.