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      Default CYCLES novice to advanced

      CYCLES novice to advanced
      Here are some examples of cycles for you all.


      Relatively moderate doses of gear can get you fairly large and somewhat above your natural maximum level of developement, or that level of muscular developement that can be held to with your own natural T production, but only IF you train, eat and sleep well.

      For the average guy of average height 5'9-10", with average bone structure and with genetically typical recuperative powers that means about 190-195 lean pounds in body weight and a bench of 275-300 pounds, full squat of 375-400 pounds and about a 500 pound deadlift.

      The further above your natural max the more gear you need to see continued progression. The increasing amounts of gear needed does NOT grow in proportion to your increase in body ****. For example, many men can get to 10 pounds above natural max with as little as 250mg of test per week........to gain 10% more weight above this number does NOT require just 10% more gear...it requires a fair bit more. So to get to say 30- or 40 pounds above your natural max requires a lot of gear.

      So the amount of gear you need to use depends mostly on how close you are to your natural max, or how far above you are from your natural max.

      *Larger doses done at a low body weight do make gains a little faster but it isn't worth the money and or sides in my opinion...and the "faster" isn't that much faster anyway.


      250mg of test cyp provides over twice the weekly testosterone that a young man produces naturally..so for you guys that are not at your natural max you can gain well WITHOUT gear, if you know how to train without gear, or gain very well with low to moderate doses of steroids.

      100mg of cyp provides about 70mg of pure testosterone(minus ester weight)

      Testes produce between 4 and 8 mg of testosterone a day....that's only 28 to about 70mg a week!..so you can see why 250 of cyp/week(175mg of pure test) can bring you to a little above your natural max, which is actually a pretty impressive level of developement.

      NOVICE CYCLES AND GEAR CHOICE...those men not yet at their natural max.

      Best to take single roids when you start out, and preferably testosterone for two reasons#1. you don't need to stack to see good results and #2. it is a good idea to get a good grasp on how you react to the best single hormone out there...testosterone( in the gains department and sides department)

      Any roid taken alone can produce decent results but only four are really worth your while in this regard....#1 Testosterone, #2. D-bol #3. Anadrol and #4 tren. Personally I don't like anadrol since a high mg dose is required in order to see best results and this means a lot of liver toxic 17aa compound is ingested.....although for the short cycle it is "okay".

      CYCLE #1

      Understanding that few want to take as little as 250 of test a week and most want to see gains as rapidly as possible I will then recommend 400-500mg of testosterone cypionate or enanthate per week for the newbie. DURATION 8-12 weeks with an equal time off.

      **** Always have an estrogen blocker available like nolvadex at 20mg/day or at least clomid at 50mg/day...nolva works better though

      You get the most even blood level by injecting these esters twice a week....so 200-250mg twice a week will be more than enough.

      SHORT CYCLE OPTION 4-6 weeks but with test prop at 100mg every other day....lots of shots though.

      PLEASE see my post on "Keeping GAINS from Steroids" for info on post cycle therapy and how to keep your gains from a cycle.
      PLEASE see my post on SHORT CYCLES for info on how to do short cycles properly.

      ALSO..test is test bro's... test sust is fine too although too expensive compaired with cyp and enanthate.

      CYCLE OPTION #2.

      D-bol only at 30mg/day in 4 divided dose and one just before bed.
      The only roid that is better than test IN THE SHORT RUN is d-bol...a truly UNREAL steroid and a favorite for over 40 years. D-bol was discovered way back in 1956 and quickly became a favorite of the pro's. D-bol only cycles work VERY WELL so don't let anyone BS you about them. They have been done by many over the last 45 years.

      Nolva on hand.

      * limit time "on' d-bol to 6 weeks as it is 17aa and can be hard on the liver.

      MYTH:..some say that the gains from d-bol do not last...this is BS....the truth is the gains IN WATER from d-bol don't last so it SEEMS lilke the muscle gains don't last. Any steroid taken at bodybuilding doses, even at newbie doses, is going to shut down HPTA all the way so you can see that this "loss of muscular gains" ideation makes no sence.

      NOTE: There is one steroid that is quite mild androgenically but seems to result in delayed HPTA recovery IN SOME(not me btw) and it is not d-bol...it is nandrolone, commonly used in the deconate ester(DECA) We don't understand why some bro's have a little trouble recuperating from this roid but it is a fact non the less.
      Disclaimer: Steroid use is illegal in a vast number of countries around the world. This is not without reason. Steroids should only be used when prescribed by your doctor and under close supervision. Steroid use is not to be taken lightly and we do not in any way endorse or approve of illegal drug use. The information is provided on the same basis as all the other information on this site, as informational/entertainment value.

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      Default Re: CYCLES novice to advanced

      new to this page just trying to learn about diff. products that will work for me and how to use them

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      badcompany487's Avatar
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      Default Re: CYCLES novice to advanced

      There's a steroid profile section you can check out. Good info there.....

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