Testosterone is a hormone that belongs to the androgen category. The steroid hormone is secreted in the ovaries of females and the testes of males, and in the adrenal glands of both genders. This sex hormone plays a key role in the sensitivity to sex, in case of women. From a behavioral perspective, unlike the anatomical or biological aspects observed in men, women are more affected by a decrease in testosterone levels. The white crystalline hormone primarily defines the development and maintenance of female sex characteristics. Although it can be produced synthetically, any reduction in the natural secretion affects sexual health adversely, most of the time resulting in a broken relationship or mental and physical abuse.

Causes of Low Testosterone Levels in Women:

Testosterone levels in a woman are known to decrease during menopause or post-surgery, involving hysterectomy or the removal of ovaries. The levels of this steroid hormone are also known to drop in the following circumstances:
During the natural aging process, alongside the natural decline in estrogen and progesterone levels.
Over-prescribed use of oral contraceptives, inducing the presence of SHGB, a binding substance that prevents its normal circulation within the blood stream.
Diagnosed ovarian cancer and subsequent exposure to chemotherapy.
Disease or damage to the hypothalamus or pituitary gland.
Morbid obesity.
High blood pressure.
Glandular malformation.
Infections such as mumps, meningitis or syphilis.
Symptoms of Low Testosterone in Women:

Research reveals that a woman's sexual health is greatly affected by low testosterone levels. The hormone is directly linked to libido, making it imperative to address immediate replenishment of testosterone. This is achieved with the administration of sexual health supplements such as Testarol. Testosterone is not only important to a woman's sexual health, but also her overall well-being. Low testosterone is clinically measured by a blood test, prior to adopting a treatment protocol. Doctor's interpret the blood test results parallel to physical manifestations. Other than a low sex drive, the other symptoms that are associated with low testosterone levels in women include:
Definite loss of muscle strength and mass.
Accumulation of fat, especially around the abdomen.
Increased risk of osteoporosis and related bone deterioration.
Increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
Vaginal dryness.
Lack of interest in sexual activity.
Painful sexual intercourse.
Sudden absence of menstruation.
Hot flashes.
Anorgasmia or the inability to have orgasms.
The medical treatment for low testosterone levels in women is a fairly new development. The medical tests designed to determine the 'normal' testosterone levels in a woman center around anecdotal evidence and adherence to rudimentary 'set' levels. The range of readings continue to differ from one practitioner to another, but in general there is an agreement on the total testosterone level, biologically generated testosterone levels and the free testosterone levels. There is a specialty laboratory test that not only measures the level of the hormone, but also the exact percent and level of increase or decrease. It is important to understand that testosterone production usually declines with age. If ignored, the insufficient testosterone production can result in abnormal bone and muscle development. It also adversely affects the energy level and mood. After the age of 40, it is advisable to get testosterone levels determined via clinical analysis. This not only helps a woman to rest at ease with regards to apprehensions surrounding the symptoms of low testosterone hormone levels, but also boosts a sense of confidence that springs from a conformation to good health.