Anabolic steroids have been constantly given bad reputations by all sorts of media for decades. Countless steroid myths and dangers have been passing around public forums as facts. Among all, here are the top 10 most talk about steroid myths and dangers.

10. Steroids adversely effect Endurance
Quite the opposite, by boosting the amount of red blood cells in the body, steroids significantly increase endurance. Since red blood cells are used to transport oxygen to muscles tissues, they are considered to be one of the key aspects athletes need to take into account in order to improve performance.

9. Steroids turn women into men
Just like male athletes, female athletes do take steroids. However, in order to avoid side effects such as clitoral enlargement, unnatural hair growth or voice deepening, women do need to select wisely on their choice of steroids. It is also worthwhile to note that women athletes do tend to suffer from more steroids side effects than man.

8. Steroids are magic chemicals
The truth is, without proper supporting diet and intensive training, no athletes can reap the potential benefits of steroids use. Anabolic steroids are not quick fix or magic pills that could instantly change how you look. It’s a combination of your training, diet, lifestyle and sleeping pattern.

7. Steroids cause liver damage
If you have ever asked those so called “experts” in public forums, you were probably told that you should always inject steroids instead of taking them orally. Reason being that steroids could potentially cause toxicity when they pass through your liver. However, not ALL oral steroids will cause liver damage like they are accused to be.

6. Steroids shrink your penis
This is among all, the most ridiculously yet most frightening steroid myth. Certain types of Steroids, when abused, might cause side effect such as testicles shrinkage, not penis. That said, such side effect is reversible. Usually when a cycle ends, your testicles will go back to their original size.

5. Steroids cause depression
This myth was simply passed around without any ground. If you really look into those reports that linked depression to steroids, you will find out that the people who participated are very likely to have history of mental imbalances. The fact is, testosterone has been associated with positive mood in most scientific studies.

4. Steroids hinder growth
Some claimed that steroid use in teens will cause closure of the growth plates without any scientific proof. Let think about Arnold Schwarzenegger for a second, he admitted using steroids since he was a teenager. See how they stunt his growth? I’m not suggesting that it’s okay for teenagers to take steroids in any mean, as a matter of fact, it’s not an option until you reach your 30. I’m just saying that statement like this shouldn’t be passed around as fact without supporting proof or data whatsoever.

3. Steroids lead to prostate cancerThis is no scientific study showing men with higher levels of testosterone might have larger chance of getting prostate cancer than men with lower levels of testosterone. The truth is, prostate cancer is suggested to be genetically determined. Also, most anabolic steroid studies are conducted on rats instead of human. What needs to be done here are more larger scale studies based on human so that most misleading myths can be busted and more true dangers of steroids can be discovered.

2. Steroids Cause Baldness
Similar to myth #3, Baldness is more a genetic proposition. Steroid use will not cause baldness although it is suggested it could speed up the process. As a precaution, it is always advised to use specialized shampoos during cycle in order to prevent this scariest steroid side effects on earth.

1. Steroids cause roid rage
Again, similar to myth #3, most studies that suggested “roid rage” were conducted on rats. Human should have better self control when it comes to dealing with aggression. It is, in the contrary, estrogen that has been proven to increase aggression. Testosterone, on the other hand, has been suggested to be helpful in lifting up mood and motivation.

Steroid myths passing around as facts are oftentimes, more dangerous than steroid itself. More scientific based human studies need to be done so that the general public can differentiate facts and myths rather than believing every headline.