I've used T3 many times in conjunction with HGH with good results for the most part (I'm guessing the quality of the HGH played a major role in my results). Anyways, the way I've always taken T3 has been 25mcg for 3 days then 50mcg for 3 days then 75mcg for 3 days then topped off at 100 mcg and stayed on till it was time to cycle down same way allowing my total cycle to last 5-6 weeks, then off for same amount of time.

I just ordered 400mcg/ml - 30 ml bottle of T4 to try in conjunction with my next cycle of HGH. I usually use 3-4 IUs of HGh per day along with some test. I have no idea how to take the T4 with this cycle? Do I have to cycle up like I do with T3? If so, in what doses for how long at each level and at what point (how many mcgs/day do I stop/maintain at and for how long should/could I safely be on the T4? And do I cycle down same way?

Please advise,