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    Thread: Pyramiding cycles by heavyiron

    1. #1
      DieselXT's Avatar
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      Default Pyramiding cycles by heavyiron

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      • Pyramiding cycles by heavyiron

      • Pyramiding cycles by heavyiron
      • Pyramiding cycles by heavyiron
      • Pyramiding cycles by heavyiron
      • Pyramiding cycles by heavyiron
      • Pyramiding cycles by heavyiron
      • Pyramiding cycles by heavyiron
      The human body is always fighting for homeostasis so the concept is to increase dose before gains plateau. Based on the 2009 myostatin study we can design a cycle that is effective for 10 weeks using this strategy. The following first cycle is for men that want a little more performance with added risk while only using Testosterone. The first 5 weeks a standard dose is administered to evaluate how your body responds and to determine if sides are manageable. If sides are manageable then increase the dose.

      Week 1-5 600mg Testosterone weekly
      Week 6-8 800mg Testosterone weekly
      Week 9-10 1 gram Testosterone weekly

      10-25 mg Aromasin daily with the goal of keeping Estradiol between 10pg/ml-30pg/ml. Only blood work can confirm if you are in this range.

      500iu HCG twice weekly.
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    2. #2
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      Default Re: Pyramiding cycles by heavyiron

      heavyiron's first cycle ever~1988

      Thought I would share what guys like me were taking back in the late 80's.


      I was 20 years old and had trained a few years off and on. I weighed a little over 200lbs. I never used any steroids previously. I did high volume, high intensity training.

      My first cycle

      All doses are approximate as I injected every 3 days the entire cycle.

      Week 1 400mg Test C
      Week 2 600mg Test C
      Week 3 800mg Test C
      Week 4 1 gram Test C
      Week 5 1,200mg Test C
      Week 6 1,400mg Test C
      Week 7 1,600mg Test C
      Week 8 1,600mg Test C

      No PCT. LOL!

      I loved my first cycle. I had zero problems and gained huge. I lost little to no strength afterwards but did drop about 10lbs in the next 2 months.

      8 weeks off and then I jumped back on again. =)
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    3. #3
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      Default Re: Pyramiding cycles by heavyiron

      I have done over 20 higher dosed pyramiding cycles over the decades and thought I would share one I just designed for a member. This member is an experienced user who wanted a 20+ week cycle. I prefer shorter runs when using higher doses but he wants to grow into a comp so he determined the cycle length. I personally would have liked to see this compressed into 12 weeks but he is set on 20+ weeks. This member wanted to use primarily testosterone and low dose deca.

      *This cycle is for experienced users*

      Myostatin limits growth around day 56 of a cycle. You can "push" gains by adding strong anabolics or upping the dose or my favorite, both.

      Since you have little to no limiting growth factors the first 7-8 weeks there is no need to increase the dose however we must account for ester length when timing the increased dose. Timing your steroids is a commonly overlooked feature of cycle design.

      Your choice of testosterone is excellent for pyramiding as I believe it must be the base of nearly every cycle design. Most experienced men can tolerate high doses with low incidence of side effects as long as E2 is controlled. It has been argued that most men reach a point of diminishing returns around 1.5 grams T weekly. I believe this to be a reasonable high end dose. I begin to experience more sides than is comfortable around 1.8 grams weekly. Around 2.5 grams I am quite uncomfortable so it is ideal to limit exposure to high doses. In other words, short durations at high doses are ideal.

      Nandrolone is also an excellent bulker that has many positive therapeutic effects. I prefer low doses early in a course to prepare my joints for heavy lifting. 200-300mg weekly is plenty for therapeutic effects. For bulking, 2mg per lb of bodyweight is a good rule of thumb. Since Nandrolone can cause unwanted sides I tend to dose on the low end. I would run the deca as long as possible since it is such a low dose. Please consider 10 weeks minimum. Obviously you will need to drop the deca 5 weeks before a show.

      Your choice of Letro is fine however it is a myth that it is much stronger than other AI's. AI's work about the same in men administering testosterone. One can usually see about a 50% reduction in E2 no matter the AI. 1mg adex=2.5mg letro=25mg aromasin in males. Letro does possess a slightly longer half life so dosing less frequently is fine but keep in mind the more T you administer the shorter the half life. One trial in particular proved saturation of E2 at 600mg weekly of T. In other words if your AI is dialed in at 600mg weekly it is likely you will not need to increase the AI dose even if you increase the test dose but the data is preliminary.

      Week 1-6 500mg T weekly
      Week 7-8 750mg T and 200mg Deca
      Week 9-10 1 gram T and 200mg Deca
      Week 11-12 1,250mg T and 200mg Deca
      Week 13-14 1,500mg T and 200mg Deca
      Week 15-16 1,750mg T and 200mg Deca
      Week 17-18 2,250mg T ***
      Week 19-20 2,500mg T **
      Week 21-22 2,750mg T

      *** When dropping a steroid you must account for this in your increase therefore I bumped the T 500mg these weeks.

      **Carefully evaluate sides at this level. You may have to drop dose or stop increasing dose at this point. Monitor blood pressure and proceed with caution. Do not be afraid to stop at this level. Keep records of all effects like a steroid diary so you know what to expect next time.

      Depending on your goals you may immediately begin a cruise of 300mg weekly after the course. If you have a show you will likely need to drop the testosterone but you may run anabolics like tren, winny or anavar during this time. After the show I would run a cruise dose of T so you don't crash right away.

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    4. #4
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      Default Re: Pyramiding cycles by heavyiron

      Another course I designed for a member who wanted to use specific compounds at a 12-14 week duration.

      I really like the Test, Deca, D-bol combo you were thinking of doing. It is an effective old school bulking stack that just plain works. You are a good candidate for this type of cycle. You have plenty of experience and seem to tolerate various aas pretty well.

      *This cycle is for experienced users*

      Week 1-6 500mg T / 200mg Deca
      Week 7 750mg T / 400mg Deca
      Week 8 1 gram T / 400mg Deca
      Week 9 1,250mg T / 600mg Deca / 40mg D-bol daily
      Week 10 1,500mg T / 600mg Deca / 40mg D-bol daily
      Week 11 1,750mg T / 600mg Deca / 40mg D-bol daily
      Week 12 2,250mg T / 50mg D-bol daily ***
      Week 13 50mg D-bol daily
      Week 14 50mg D-bol daily

      *** When dropping a steroid you must account for this in your increase therefore I bumped the T 500mg this week and the D-bol 10mg daily.

      Since Nandrolone has a long ester I like to drop it before dropping the Testosterone. Nandrolone tends to make recovery more difficult so running it up to the end is not advised.

      The D-bol is added at week 9 just about the time gains begin to diminish in a standard cycle. This timing is critical to "push" gains so do not alter the timing. Notice the D-bol extends 2 weeks past the high dose of Testosterone. This is purposeful to keep gains rolling while the high dose T is clearing. Basically gains should continue through week 14 with this setup.

      You may immediately enter a cruise of 250mg weekly of Testosterone after this course or go into PCT. If you choose to cruise begin the 250mg of T at week 13.

      I would use adex in the manner you describe in your post and any other ancillaries you need.

      Nutrition is critical at these higher doses so make sure you are getting plenty of clean food. With nutrition, training and recovery dialed in you will do very well on this course.
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    5. #5
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      Default Re: Pyramiding cycles by heavyiron

      A member who has run 4 previous cycles asked me to put together a cycle with Test E, Tren Ace and D-bol. He wants to keep the Test dosage reasonable and frankly with this combo it will be fine and very effective to do so. The following cycle is one of my favorites. Testosterone, Trenbolone and Dianabol are powerful steroids when taken by themselves but when combined they are amazingly powerful.

      *This cycle is for experienced users*

      Week 1-6 500mg Test E
      Week 7 750mg TE
      Week 8 1 gram TE
      Week 9 1 gram TE / 350mg Tren Ace / 25mg D-bol daily
      Week 10 1,250mg TE / 350mg Tren Ace / 25mg D-bol daily
      Week 11 1,250mg TE / 350mg Tren Ace / 50mg D-bol daily
      Week 12 1,500mg TE / 350mg Tren Ace / 50mg D-bol daily
      Week 13 350mg Tren Ace / 50mg D-bol daily

      The D-bol and Tren Ace (100mg eod) is added at week 9 just about the time gains begin to diminish in a standard cycle. This timing is critical to "push" gains so do not alter the timing. Notice the D-bol and Tren extends 1 week past the higher dose of Testosterone. This is purposeful to keep gains rolling while the higher dose T Enanthate is clearing. Basically gains should continue through week 13 with this setup.

      You may immediately enter a cruise of 250mg weekly of Testosterone after this course or go into PCT. If you choose to cruise begin the 250mg of T at week 13.

      I would use Aromasin in the manner you describe in your PM (12.5mg daily) and any other ancillaries you need.

      Nutrition is critical at these higher doses so make sure you are getting plenty of clean food. With nutrition, training and recovery dialed in you will do very well on this course.
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    6. #6
      sofargone561's Avatar
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      Default Re: Pyramiding cycles by heavyiron

      Agreed^ that's nuts man. Im more then a few cycles deep and still don't go past 750mg/ew of test and I still grow fine. I don't think you need to be anywhere near a gram for your first few cycles. I do like to start at a smaller dose and tapper up 500mg first few weeks 600mg next few and 750mg the last few but I don't agree with almost any of this
      I never meant to be better than anyone, I was just born that way. Its hard being a god amongst peasants!

    7. #7
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      Default Re: Pyramiding cycles by heavyiron

      Damn, my first cycle I ran 400mg and grew like a weed. I've did a gram of test or anything for that matter, 1 gram is the most anybody will need most will not need that.

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      Default Re: Pyramiding cycles by heavyiron

      I think 1 gram in your first cycle would be a huge waste and do more damage In the long run. As u said my first cycle was 10 weeks test e 500 and the test was underdoses so i was probabanly around 400 to ad I grew like crazy!
      I never meant to be better than anyone, I was just born that way. Its hard being a god amongst peasants!

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      Default Re: Pyramiding cycles by heavyiron

      I meant I have never ran a gram or had to. Sorry bad spelling.

    10. #10
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      Default Re: Pyramiding cycles by heavyiron

      I havnt either. Unless your competing I can't see why u would need more then a gram. I still grow off 500 the most I ever run now is 750
      I never meant to be better than anyone, I was just born that way. Its hard being a god amongst peasants!

    11. #11
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      Default Re: Pyramiding cycles by heavyiron

      you know what's funny? i started back a long long time ago and what i started out doing and worked pretty freaking good with very little loses in between. my first run was similar to what 99% of what people do now. 4-500mg test and blew up like it was cool. then after a year or so i transitioned to this:

      200mg test 1-2wks
      400mg test 1-2wks
      600mg test 1-2wks
      800mg test 1-2wks
      1g test for the duration of the run then back down
      750-800mg test 1-2wks
      4-500mg test 1-2wk
      1-200mg test 1-2wks
      then the pct or bridge started up.

      this allowed a pretty good amount of buildup for me and i used it for a long time with very good success. now i am not saying you should run that high of a dose but you get the idea. you arent spiking at max dose right out of the gate but you peak it up and then come back down. i cant remember who i picked this up from but it was a long time ago
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      Default Re: Pyramiding cycles by heavyiron

      Quote Originally Posted by F.I.S.T. View Post
      I know many people that utilize a pyramiding type cycle but not at those doses.Those are just insane.Foolish and dangerous at best and TOTALLY UNNECESSARY.

      Ive never found the need to run a pyramiding type cycle but thats just me.Everyone is different and reacts differently to everything so not knocking it at all.Just those high a doses.LMFAO.
      those are pretty high i agree fist. i guess the best thing for people to do over the years is ease it up higher as gains slow and try not to exceed the point of diminishing returns. i have personally creeped up to 3g of test a wk before and myself nor my body couldnt not tolerate it at all and the sides were not worth it to me. i have jumped eq to 1200 and that was the same way just not worth the risk to reward ratio.
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      Default Re: Pyramiding cycles by heavyiron

      Now I don't even know how to get in this,thing is I never use a gram of any gear ,i'm almost 240,if you not going hard in the gym and eating well and on time you could take all the gear you want aint shit going to happen

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      Default Re: Pyramiding cycles by heavyiron

      Quote Originally Posted by wutlisstrice View Post
      Now I don't even know how to get in this,thing is I never use a gram of any gear ,i'm almost 240,if you not going hard in the gym and eating well and on time you could take all the gear you want aint shit going to happen
      if someone asks me for help i try to tell them that diet is over 90% of the game and supps/aas are only about 5% at the most. sad fact of the matter is most people and i say most the younger guys tend to take the more is better approach and think that massive doses are going to yield massive results. i am in the 280s right now myself and i am under a gram of test at the moment. i dont get up to and over a gram until i start prepping for big shows most of the time
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      Default Re: Pyramiding cycles by heavyiron

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      • Pyramiding cycles by heavyiron
      • Pyramiding cycles by heavyiron
      • Pyramiding cycles by heavyiron
      • Pyramiding cycles by heavyiron
      • Pyramiding cycles by heavyiron
      • Pyramiding cycles by heavyiron
      I myself have gone past a gram of test a week and didn't see much of a difference.. now to go up to 2grams a week on your first cycle is in my opinion insane.. for one where do you go from there? if you stay around 500mg a week for the first several yrs then you can jump up to 750mg a week.. also I think more importantly your body can only put on so much muscle and keep so much muscle to shove 2-3g a week of test in your body on your first run and being a avg man at let's say 195lbs is insane you are asking for health problem.. yea you might be jacked to the sky but can move your joints hurt and your tendon's are ready to break.. good job...

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