heavyiron's first cycle ever~1988

Thought I would share what guys like me were taking back in the late 80's.


I was 20 years old and had trained a few years off and on. I weighed a little over 200lbs. I never used any steroids previously. I did high volume, high intensity training.

My first cycle

All doses are approximate as I injected every 3 days the entire cycle.

Week 1 400mg Test C
Week 2 600mg Test C
Week 3 800mg Test C
Week 4 1 gram Test C
Week 5 1,200mg Test C
Week 6 1,400mg Test C
Week 7 1,600mg Test C
Week 8 1,600mg Test C


I loved my first cycle. I had zero problems and gained huge. I lost little to no strength afterwards but did drop about 10lbs in the next 2 months.

8 weeks off and then I jumped back on again. =)