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      Default Women and Steroids

      Women and Steroids - Female AAS Research
      Anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) are synthetic derivatives of testosterone, a naturally occurring male sex hormone. They not only possess an anabolic (muscle and strength building) component, but an androgenic (affecting sexual characteristics) element as well. To put it bluntly, steroids are used to make men, manlier. However, AAS use can also provide significant muscular and aesthetic benefits for female users. This segment will explore some of the reasons AAS interest women, as well as: the efficacy of female usage; related benefits and side effects; the best compounds and dosages as well as; other information those considering usage will find invaluable.

      One of the most prevalent questions in many steroid forums is, "Is it possible that I'm a steroid non-responder?" This question is the direct result of a lack of user knowledge. Hormones, regardless of type, are chemical messengers that deliver very specific activity determining signals. These constant signals are precisely en- and decoded by various receptor cells throughout the body. As long as certain variables are properly aligned, the correct administration of anabolic steroids will effectively elicit a muscle building response. And therein lays the real question, “What are these variables, and how does one go about aligning them properly?”

      Steroid injection
      STEROIDS + KNOWLEDGE = RESULTS Appropriate steroid administration includes using the proper goal-oriented compound(s), dosage(s), timing & duration (SEE BELOW: "Best AAS for Women”) Appropriate muscle fiber breakdown includes lifting heavy, effectively, and regularly (SEE WEIGHT TRAINING: " Muscle

      Proper amounts of rest and recuperation (SEE WEIGHT TRAINING: “Developing A Program” and “Overtraining”)
      Appropriately increased protein consumption (SEE BASICS OF NUTRITION: "How to Eat and Train for Muscle")
      Appropriately increased overall calories (SEE BASICS OF NUTRITION: "How to Eat and Train for Muscle")
      Proper restriction of empty, junk food calories (SEE BASICS OF NUTRITION: "How to Eat and Train for Muscle")

      Although there are a variety of reasons women elect to use steroids, the following have been found to be the most significant.

      SELF-IMAGE In the words of the legendary sleuth Sherlock Holmes, "Often the easy, obvious answer is also the correct one.", thus many women take steroids to become more attractive and to exert greater sex appeal. Another reason can be found in a condition known as 'muscle dysmorphia', a disorder in which a person becomes obsessed with the idea that he or she is not muscular enough. Those who suffer from this condition tend to hold delusions that they are "skinny", “fat” or "too small" when they are often possess above average musculature. Dysmorphia is sometimes referred to as ‘Bigorexia’ or ‘Reverse Anorexia Nervosa’, and is a very specific type of body dysmorphic disorder. Muscle dysmorphia is NOT a simple obsession with working out or bodybuilding. To be clinically diagnosed as muscle dysmorphic, a person must exhibit symptoms of the ‘type’ and ‘degree’ outlined within the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV (DSM IV), and not merely be overly interested in their physique or engaging in fitness behaviors that other people would consider excessive. Some of the inclusion criteria for the disorder are:

      Constantly examining themselves in a mirror
      Becoming overly distressed if they miss a workout session or one of their multiple daily meals
      Becoming overly distressed if they do not receive enough protein per day in their diet
      Taking potentially dangerous anabolic steroids
      Neglecting jobs, relationships, or family because of excessive exercising and related habits
      Having delusions of being underweight or below average
      Surprisingly, many women use steroids because they feel like a need to protect themselves, as a result victims of rape often begin taking AAS. In a National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) study of women weightlifters, twice as many of those who had been raped reported using anabolic steroids and/or another purported muscle-building drug, as compared to those who had not been raped. Moreover, almost all rape victims reported a marked increase their bodybuilding activities after the attack, in belief that being bigger and stronger would discourage further attacks by making them intimidating and/or unattractive. In another study involving 75 female subjects, 10 reported being raped as their reason for using AAS to increase muscle strength and size (Gruber, Pope; 1999). The rape victims in most cases believed they would never be able to trust a man again and consequently replaced these relationships with bodybuilding activities. Of the 10 admitted rape victims, 5 said that prior to the experience they had no intention of ever using steroids, and believed they were a sign of weakness and an unwillingness to achieve goals through hard work.

      Of course AAS provide tremendous performance enhancement benefits, and though men garner the bulk of such scandals, professional and amateur female athletes also administer steroids for this purpose. Numerous female athletes secretly employ AAS as a way of enhancing their overall performance, but one arena in which this usage is not so secret is that of competitive bodybuilding. Anyone viewing an upper level competition will immediately and accurately infer that these women are using anabolic steroids. However, there has been substantial decline in the interest of female bodybuilding, in lieu of the increased attention to women’s fitness and figure competitions. Although the extreme mass and muscularity of men is largely viewed as a great spectacle, the trend for women has become one of balance between muscularity and femininity. But make no mistake, these less than gargantuan physiques are still quite often steroidally enhanced, albeit specifically tempered with the proper AAS compounds, dosages, diets and training regimens (all to be discussed later).

      It is always a good idea to work with a physician who is knowledgeable about and aware of, your steroid usage because they can provide valuable safeguards, including appropriate testing. Since this is often not the case, you should have baseline labs performed prior to beginning any AAS cycle. These tests will serve the dual purpose of checking your health, and marking the desired points for returning to normalcy after steroid discontinuation. Labs can include a variety of measures, but be sure to log the liver profile, lipid screen, T3, T4, estrogen & testosterone levels and ratio, as well as baseline heart rate and blood pressure readings.

      Reproductive system functioning can be a major concern, as AAS typically impact the menstrual cycle. Changes can vary from minor menstrual irregularities (i.e. inconsistent days, variable heaviness, periodic spotting, etc.) to the complete absence of menstruation for several months, depending on the steroid types, dosages and durations. The charting of menstruation details for a couple months prior to administering AAS is also a good idea for noting normalcy.


      As you'd probably expect, women receive many of the same physical, physiological and psychological benefits as men which typically include:

      increase in lean muscle mass
      increased strength
      reduced body fat
      improved athletic performance
      sense of euphoria & well-being
      heightened self-esteem
      greater energy levels
      less vulnerability
      greater sexual attractiveness or intimidation (depending on goals)
      heightened sexual arousal
      improved oxygen utilization for greater endurance & quicker recovery
      increased protein synthesis and decreased nitrogen excretion
      “Overall, a woman will experience an increase in leanness, muscle definition, muscle mass, weight, and strength. The effectiveness of training will become better for she will have an improved recovery rate. She will become more aggressive, have a heightened sexual drive and a better self-esteem. But there is more to using anabolic steroids than just appearing to be the person you have always imagined yourself to be.”
      - Strauss, Liggett, Lanese; 1985


      In biology and medicine, ‘Virilization’ refers to the development of secondary changes, or a set of anatomical structures and features unique to males and females that are not directly related (and therefore secondary) to the production of sex cells. Most virilization is produced by androgens - any natural or synthetic compound (including steroids) that stimulates or controls the development and maintenance of masculine characteristics. Some negative side effects are permanent and others go away when the drug is discontinued. When it comes to the severity of negative side effects, the type, dosage and duration of AAS play significant roles. The proper management of these variables can lead to satisfyingly successful cycles.

      The preponderance of research indicates that unlike male users who experience only a few (if any) of the numerous possible steroid side effects, women (with their estrogen-based endocrine/pituitary systems) are far likelier to experience more of the following associated side effects:

      deepening of the voice
      breast tissue atrophy (shrinking)
      increased body hair, including the growth of dark facial hair
      loss of scalp hair
      jaundice (yellow tinge to eyes and skin)
      Liver values that are higher than the upper limits of normalcy
      oily skin (acne, facial pore enlargement)
      clitoral enlargement
      enlargement of the heart
      increased aggression
      depression & listlessness
      loss of appetite
      feelings of anxiety
      abnormal heart rhythms
      drug-specific weakening of the tendons and ligaments
      decreased estrogen & progesterone activity
      menstrual irregularities (i.e. inconsistent days, variable heaviness, periodic spotting, etc.)

      Most of the women reading this article are probably doing so for figure and/or fitness enhancement, but regardless of the 'WHY' this section will provide the 'HOW', how that is to improve your quality of life through the safe and proper administration of AAS.

      Permit me to begin by imparting some fundamental knowledge:

      Steroids are not quick fixes, in the sense that they do not yield expected results when merely taken several days before an event (reunion, wedding, vacation, etc.). Instead AAS are appropriately taken in what are called 'cycles'.
      Steroid Cycle - specific steroidal dosages taken at timed intervals on specific daily, multi-daily, or weekly regimens for a predetermined (although adjustable) number of weeks or months.
      The amount and duration of steroid use is not determined by biographical data (height, weight, age, etc.), nor does a minor or moderate change in dosage dictate cycle length. This is the reasoning of a supplement taker, a good one, but one nonetheless. Steroid logic requires a paradigm shift, because hormones don't work like supplements. Cycle durations and dosages are reflective of potential growth periods, physiological recovery issues, and the harshness of a compound’s effects on the body.
      Steroid Stack/Cocktail - the simultaneous use of more than one form or type of AAS within a cycle, often combining orals and injectables. This is done to magnify the properties of a compound, or to benefit from the positive characteristics of each drug (and sometimes to minimize the negative effects of one or more), thus synergistically improving the overall cycle.
      Steroids build muscle, and are not for weight loss purposes. If losing extra pounds and toning up is your goal, then changes in diet, exercise and supplementation are in order. Steroids, even the mildest of them, are muscle builders and muscle due primarily to its greater density is heavy and will invariably increase your weight.
      Steroids should be considered when you have worked out for at least two years ormore, and have developed a solid muscular foundation then any gains made through steroid usage, will be pure muscle, and your hard earned money will not be wasted. With regard to aesthetics, your body fat should also be relatively low prior to steroid administration. This will permit the drugs to have a more profound cosmetic effect, because your muscle and form will be less likely blurred by excessive subcutaneous (beneath the skin) fat.
      There’s no need to taper steroids cycles up or down This method of cycling was once quite common, but later medically proven to be unnecessary. When the cycle is over simply discontinuing the usage of all compounds is sufficient.

      Go to fullsize imageAnavarConventional wisdom holds that only a couple of select oral steroids should be recommended as safe for female usage. This conclusion is primarily based on said oral's inherently low anabolic/androgenic ratios and mild to moderate liver toxicity, which is also why actual Testosterone esters should never be used by women (who aren’t bodybuilders). Whenever a dosage seems too high, as evidenced by unacceptable or intolerable side effects, its immediate reduction typically corrects the problem. It should also be noted that like all goods and services, prices and availability will vary. Anavar (Oxandrolone), though a perennial favorite among steroid users is often nearly twice as expensive as Winstrol (Stanozolol or Stanabol) another favorite. Here are some proven steroid protocols and their resulting effects:








      10mgs/a day


      Muscle gain; increased strength, hardness,

      Possible gastro discomfort, decreased libido


      10 - 20mgs/a day

      8 - 12wks

      pump, stamina, vascularity & fat loss.

      and acne.



      10mgs/a day


      Slight muscle gain; increased

      Possible hair loss or thinning, joint pain


      10 - 20mgs/a day

      8 - 12wks

      strength & hardness.

      and acne.

      As stated earlier, there is no need to taper steroid usage. All drugs have half-lives, the amount of time it takes for one half of the drug to evacuate the body via the three methods of absorption, degradation and elimination. How the drug is administered (frequency) should always be based on its half-life. For example both Winstrol and Anavar have short half-lives lasting less than half a day. To keep the blood serum levels of these drugs high (for optimal effect) each should be taken twice daily. For example:

      Anavar (beginner) 10mgs/a day until cycle termination (10-12 hrs apart; e.g. 5mgs twice a day at 8am & 8pm )
      Winstrol (advanced) 20mgs/a day until cycle termination (10-12 hrs apart; e.g. 10mgs twice a day at 6am & 6pm )
      Experimentation is important because of the varying effects of different hormones. Below is an illustration of a steroid cycle in the form of a stack or cocktail. As mentioned earlier, users exercise such protocols to enhance their results by exploiting the synergy of two or more compounds. Stacks also minimize side effects, by reducing the amount of harsher compounds while using the same or greater total AAS milligrams. For instance, Winstrol can be hard on the joints and hair, but when combined with the milder Anavar (as in the example below) this risk is significantly reduced, while additional Anavar benefits can be simultaneously realized at the very same desired 10mg AAS dosage.

      WEEK OF




      5 mgs/week

      5 mgs/week


      5 mgs/week

      5 mgs/week


      5 mgs/week

      5 mgs/week


      5 mgs/week

      5 mgs/week


      5 mgs/week

      5 mgs/week


      5 mgs/week

      5 mgs/week


      5 mgs/week

      5 mgs/week


      5 mgs/week

      5 mgs/week


      5 mgs/week

      5 mgs/week


      5 mgs/week

      5 mgs/week

      Orals are a good choice for the needle phobic, but if you don’t mind shots Primobolan Depot (Methenolone Enanthate) is a great option. This hormone is primarily used for gaining and preserving lean muscle tissue. The reason Primo is so effective in these areas has to do with its ability to augment nitrogen retention. As a result of this property, many competitors have successfully used Primo to retain muscle during calorie restrictive pre-contest dieting. Unfortunately, Primo comes with two rather daunting caveats: 1) it is a very expensive chemical to obtain, a price which is usually reflected in the cost to the average consumer and; 2) it is one of the most commonly counterfeited steroids on the black market. Nevertheless, if attained this steroid is well worth the effort.

      IF TEST…THEN PROP! Image Preview The dangers of exogenous testosterone within the female body cannot be overstated! But since there will always be those who go AMA (Against Medical Advice), if you must experiment with Test be sure to make your choice Testosterone Propionate. This would be the only choice for women who simply must try testosterone for one all important reason. Should adverse side effects become problematic or otherwise intolerable the propionate ester will rapidly vacate the body, and hopefully completely reverse any negative effects or conditions.

      Prop should be injected everyday or every other day and appropriately divided according to the desired total weekly dosage. A cycle using this hormone should run for a minimum of 6 weeks. The most pronounced negative side effects include: clitoral enlargement; excessive facial & body hair; deepening of voice; oily skin; menstrual abnormalities; hair loss or thinning; depression, confusion and; acne on the face, back or shoulders. It is very important to monitor oneself closely while using a hormone as androgenically potent as testosterone.

      FEMALE AAS RESEARCH - The media and naysayers have been rejecting steroids since the 1930's, publically spouting negative propaganda, while privately marveling at the wondrous physiques and feats of athleticism and strength it produced. Since women are a relatively new addition to the steroid scene, and due to the obvious ethical issues surrounding the perceived potential for harm, there are very few medical journal studies relating to the effects of anabolic steroids on female subjects. Sadly, the studies which do exist, serve only to complicate matters by often using small sample sizes, and insubstantial control and placebo groups that yield largely inconclusive results.

      Studies published to date on androgen replacement therapy in women do not indicate detrimental effects on body composition, lipids or vascular function. The key words here are " replacement therapy". Testosterone derivatives have been developed for clinical hormonal replacement therapy in men. Thus, few forms of AAS are approved for women because the pharmokentics (the study of the action or effects of drugs on human beings) and efficacy of usage on women have not been well researched. Therefore, very little is actually known and published about the short- and long-term effects of non-medicinal AAS usage regarding women. Consequently, even less is clear regarding the supraphysiological (amounts greater than normally found in the body) doses which female bodybuilders, competitors and recreational users have been known to administer.

      Although interpolation has been used, the research conducted on male users can't possibly be accurately correlated to females when there are virtually no grounds for comparison. Consequently, the alleged research-based information concerning the adverse physiological, physical, behavioral, and psychological effects of low dosage supraphysiological AAS on women is at best inaccurate, and at worst wildly speculative.

      REFERENCES Amoko et al. "Effect of static stretching on prevention of injuries for military recruits." Mil Med. 2003 Jun; 168(6):442-6.

      Bahrke, M.S., Yesalis, C.E., and Wright, J.E. Psychological and behavioral effects of endogenous testosterone and anabolic-androgenic steroids: an update. Sports Medicine 22(6): 367-390, 1996.

      Gruber, A.J., Pope, H.G. Jr. (1999) Compulsive weight lifting and anabolic drug abuse among women rape victims. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 40, 273-277

      Gruber, A.J., and Pope, H.G., Jr. Psychiatric and medical effects of anabolic-androgenic steroid use in women. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 69: 19-26, 2000.

      Hughes, T.K. Jr., Rady, P.L., Smith, E.M. (1998) Potential for the effects of anabolic steroid abuse in the immune and neuroendocrine axis. Journal of
      Neuroimmunol, 83, 162-167

      Lally D. 'New Study Links Stretching with Higher Injury Rates', Running Research News, Vol. 10(3), pp. 5-6, 1994

      Malarkey, W.B., Strauss, R.H., Leizman, D.J., Liggett, M., Demers, L.M. (1991) Endocrine effects in female weight lifters who self-administer testosterone and
      anabolic steroids. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 165, 1385-1390

      Porcerelli, J.H., and Sandler, B.A. Anabolic-androgenic steroid abuse and psychopathology. PsychiatricClinics of North America 21(4): 829-833, 1998.

      Porcerelli, J.H., and Sandler, B.A. Narcissism and empathy in steroid users. American Journal

      Research Report Series - Anabolic Steroid Abuse. National Institute on Drug Abuse

      Strauss, R.H., Liggett, M.T., Lanese, R.R. (1985) Anabolic steroids use and perceived effects in ten weight-trained women athletes. JAMA, 253, 2871-2873

      Sutton, L. ANABOLIC STEROIDS: Not Just For Men Anymore. Vanderbilt University

      Thacker et al. "The Impact of Stretching on Sports Injury Risk: A Systematic Review of the Literature". Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 36(3):371-378, March 2004.

      van Mechelen W, Hlobil H, Kemper HCG, et al. Prevention of running injuries by warm-up, cool-down, and stretching exercises. Am J Sports Med 1993;21:711–19.

      Yesalis, C.E., Kennedy , N.J. , Kopstein, A.N., and Bahrke, M.S. Anabolic-androgenic steroid use in the United States . Journal of the American Medical Association 270(10): 1217-1221, 1993.

      INTERNET RESOURCES Carol Semple – Ms. Fitness Olympia

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      Default Re: Women and Steroids

      Women on Steroids
      It’s no secret, anabolic androgenic steroids are used by a large portion of our society; in the U.S. alone over six-million adults supplement with anabolic androgenic steroids but often surprising to many is how many women on steroids make up a portion of this total figure. It is true, men make up the largest portion of the group, in-truth it’s not even a close comparison but there are many women on steroids as well and many of these women on steroids produce fantastic results.

      While there are many women on steroids in order for most to have success in-terms of both performance while maintaining femininity certain aspects must necessarily be understood. Anabolic steroids can cause severe virilization; this simply means the use of may bring forth masculine characteristics and other female associated side-effects such as and not limited to:

      Deepening of the Vocal Chords
      Body Hair Growth
      Clitoral Enlargement
      For most women the key to success is avoiding highly androgenic based anabolic steroids, anabolics such as Anavar, Winstrol and Primobolan can be very useful for the female athlete as they can be used safely and effectively. However, this does not mean the various women on steroids are not supplementing with other anabolics; in-fact many women on steroids are supplementing in a very similar fashion as men. However, such supplementation can open the door for some harsh physical changes to a woman’s appearance. For example, use of testosterone can have serious consequences; however, low doses of testosterone can prove to be very useful in-terms of both performance and libido for women but most will necessarily keep the dose very low. Increasing in popularity has become Testopel, a testosterone pellet that is placed directly under the skin, normally somewhere in the hip/glute region.

      Most women on steroids will find that even though safe and effective use is possible such use will normally need to be far less in-terms of not only a man’s dose but in total duration as well. Even with anabolic steroids that possess only slight virilization effects many women may find themselves in serious trouble if use is continued for far too long. Unfortunately there is not a one size fits all we can give you as anabolic steroids carry with them highly individualistic traits. Some women will be able to maintain the use of a particular anabolic far longer than others while others will find very short periods to be the only means of success.

      clenbuterol,steroids,clenWhile the above remains true, for women on steroids there is one steroid that is by far the absolute best to meet their needs; so much so that in many circles it is often referred to as “The Girl Steroid” we’re talking of course of Anavar. Anavar has proven to be highly well-tolerated by most all who supplement with it and in most cases very side-effect friendly; so much so most women who supplement with it responsibly will not incur any negative side-effects. For the women on steroids who supplement with Anavar, generally dosing will fall in the 10mg-20mg per day range and will prove to be both highly effective and safe.

      In the end it all boils down to two simple things; responsible use and trial and error. Many women will find certain steroids to cause severe virilization effects, however, once such affects begin to appear if they discontinue use they will normally be in the clear; it is when use continues and the affects set in that can lead to trouble. More importantly and this is part of responsible use and that is personal education; like men, women on steroids are urged to educate themselves on the matter as self-education will lead to a greater more positive experience.

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      Default Re: Women and Steroids

      Steroids and Women
      “Steroids and Women” for many people it’s an odd sounding phrase; after all, when you think of anabolic steroids you normally think of massive, muscular men. Most people have no idea how important the relationship between steroids and women truly is, but it is we assure you massively important. It’s true; many more men supplement with anabolic steroids than women, and of course, you can easily pick out some women who do, but the numbers exceed the imagination of most.

      Anabolic steroids can be very damaging to women for one specific reason; they can destroy her femininity. While true, anabolic steroids and women can co-exist in harmony; caution must, however, be applied; we’re talking about responsible use. Women have fewer anabolic steroids they can supplement with safely, and further, must implement extremely low doses. Let’s take a look at all the factors, everything you need to know; we’ll explain the fear, how to avoid it, and explain to you why the relationship between steroids and women is so crucial to society as we know it today. Absolutely, we’ll even show you which steroids most any woman can consider, and even how to mix and match all her PED’s; in short, your questions will be answered.

      When it comes to steroids and women, there is a universal fear; turning into a man. As you know, anabolic androgenic steroids derive from the primary male sex hormone testosterone, and as such, while no woman will turn into a man, if she’s not careful she can easily display masculine traits. Many anabolic steroids cause what is known as virilization, specifically put, changes that occur due to the high presence of androgens in the body. Androgens are hormones we all produce, both men and women, and essentially so with Testosterone and Dihydrotestosterone being primary. Of course, men require about ten times the amount as women, and when androgen production goes beyond the needed amount for a female, masculine traits can manifest. The most common virilizing effects include:

      Body-Hair Growth
      Clitoral Enlargement
      Deepening of the Vocal Chords
      There is hardly a woman alive who would enjoy such effects, but guess what; plenty of women supplement with anabolic steroids and never experience a single one. The reason is simple; they’re not idiots. They’ve done their homework; they understand which hormones to take and which ones to avoid. They understand if virilization symptoms begin to show then that particular steroid is not for them; we’ll explain shortly.

      Avoiding Virilization
      When steroids and women coexist if we’re going to avoid virilization, and we’re assuming you want to, the first order of business is to choose anabolic steroids that carry low virilizing properties. Some steroids carry higher virilizing properties, and logic tells us, we’ll need to avoid these; this isn’t rocket science. Even so, let’s be clear; all anabolic steroids carry a level of virilization concern, some higher and some lower than others. When we choose anabolic steroids that carry low virilizing properties, in most cases, most women will be fine, but there is still a risk. As we are all unique individuals, some women will not tolerate some steroids at all even though another woman may tolerate it perfectly. Look at it like dairy products; most of us can drink all the milk and eat all the cheese we want, but some of us get sick if we even think about a cow; some of us are lactose intolerant, but most of use aren’t.

      The key to avoiding virilizing symptoms is straightforward; choose steroids that carry a low rate of probability in this regard. Second, if for any reason virilization symptoms begin to show, discontinue use immediately. Once you discontinue use, the effects will dissipate rapidly. If you ignore the symptoms and let them set it, this is where true damage is done, and in many cases, where they cannot be reversed. At any rate, if symptoms show discontinue all steroid use; in your next go around do some examining of your prior use. Was your dose of a certain steroid too high? Maybe you simply need a lower dose that is more tolerable; maybe you need a different steroid altogether. In any case, if you’re smart and pay attention to your body you can supplement without these effects becoming problematic.

      Steroids and Women – Not Just Bodybuilders
      clenbuterol,steroids,clenCompetitive bodybuilders; when it comes to steroids and women these are the only women supplementing with anabolic hormones, right? Nope, you’d be dead wrong; in-fact, they make up a very small portion of the steroids and women family. If it’s a physique based sport, then there is a strong relationship between steroids and women; fitness, figure and even bikini, you bet, thousands of them supplement. This doesn’t mean they all do, but the majority is well-versed in anabolic steroidal supplementation. Then there are the physique models, the women you see advertising for your favorite protein bar or pre-workout formula; of course, many of them are competitors too, but either way most are supplementing.

      Physique athletes and fitness models, “yeah, yeah” you say; you already knew a lot of them supplement, but many aren’t aware. Then we have the next group, and this is the one that will surprise far more than the above. When it comes to steroids and women, never has this relationship been as important as it is to our celebrity population. Look at the women of the silver screen from fifty years ago or even twenty years ago; for that matter, look at the women from twenty years ago who look better than they did twenty years ago. Do you think this is all plastic surgery; is it because they have the best trainers in the world? While these factors indeed play a role, without anabolic steroids and a host of other performance enhancing drugs, the female physique as we know it today in popular culture would not exist. What’s more, anabolic steroids aren’t all that expensive, and as these women have money to burn they have no problem dropping a few grand here and there.

      These are the women supplementing with steroids, but they’re not the only ones; nope, we’re not done yet. You can find women supplementing with steroids, and women in almost all walks of life doing so if any kind of fitness is concerned. Female performance athletes, and even the gym rats that don’t compete supplement on a regular basis. These women recognize what men have for nearly sixty years; anabolic steroids will create a physique that is impossible to obtain without. Granted, far more men still supplement, but the amount of women who do would blow the minds of most if they truly had any idea.

      Top Steroids
      We established early on there are certain anabolic steroids women do not need to take; such steroids carry too much risk to a woman’s femininity, and if she wishes to protect it, she must avoid such forms. With that in mind, the only question is which anabolic steroids can women take? Without question, the number one anabolic steroid for any woman is Oxandrolone; more commonly known by its most popular trade name Anavar. Anavar is the most female friendly steroid of all, and while men can use it to it appears to be far more beneficial to women. Anavar is such a female friendly steroid, in most performance based circles it is informally referred to as “The Girl Steroid.” This steroid carries the lowest virilization rate of any anabolic steroid, and further, will provide every last trait a female could be alter with supplementation. Most all women can tolerate 10mg every day extremely well, with some women handling as much as 20mg every day perfectly. In any case, most will never need more than 10mg per day, but if more is desired it is recommended you increment up 5mg at a time. If you respond well to 10mg and want more try 15mg, if you still want more, the next go around try 20mg; however, there is something important you need to understand. The higher you go with the dose, the greater risk of virilization. In any case, most women can tolerate 10mg of Anavar a day for up to 8 weeks remarkably well; in some cases even longer if needed, but 8 weeks is our max recommendation with most only needing 6 weeks.

      While Anavar should be any woman’s top choice, there are other steroids that can be solid options. Of such steroids, Primobolan Depot is the second most female friendly anabolic steroid. Oral Primobolan can be used, but as it is not a C17-aa oral steroid it is not recommended as most of it will be destroyed by the liver. At any rate, most women will find they tolerate 100mg of Primobolan Depot a week fairly well, but they must limit their use with 4 weeks of use generally being a safe time frame and 6 weeks being the max. Then we have the Stanozolol hormone, more commonly known as Winstrol. This one is more or less a 50/50 shot; about half the women who supplement with it will tolerate it well, while the other half won’t. In truth, perhaps a little more than half will tolerate it well, but it falls below Anavar tremendously in-terms of toleration. If it can be tolerated, most women will find 10mg every other day to be all they need. Injectable and oral Winstrol are both fine, but most women will find oral Winstrol to be the way to go as it commonly comes in 10mg tabs.

      These are our top steroids for women, but as we’ll see soon there are other performance items that can be added to a stack that will tremendously enhance it. Of course, before we move on we must mention a few other steroids in passing. There are some women who may find extremely low doses of Equipoise to be beneficial, and in some cases even testosterone; especially if the woman is testosterone deficient. Most women will not need to touch these steroids, but they can be useful in very low doses; we’re referring to extremely low doses. This is something you may have to play with a little bit, and you’ll need to keep an extra close eye on virilization, but for the majority, these are items they should not touch.

      More than just Steroids
      As you have seen, steroids and women can coexist; it’s simply a unique relationship that has boundaries if a woman is to remain protected. With this in mind, while the above steroids can provide tremendous results, there are other performance enhancing items that can be added to truly enhance a physique to its maximum potential. There are six items specifically that can be added, and we have listed them all with additional notes where beneficial.

      Arimidex: an AI that can be used for estrogen control – should rarely be used and only by the hardcore where absolutely necessary

      Clenbuterol: a potent beta-2 stimulator perfect for fat-loss – Clen, as its most commonly known stimulates the metabolism to perform at a higher rate

      Cytomel: a thyroid hormone more commonly known as T3 – an extraordinarily potent fat-loss tool – use should be limited to only when dieting and typically only at the end of a diet for 6-8 weeks max so as not to cause damage to the thyroid

      Ephedrine: a sympathomimetic amine that is a potent weight loss tool – works well as a fat-burner and appetite suppressor

      Human Growth Hormone: normally referred to as HGH, this is a powerful peptide hormone – of all things to add to a stack this should be your number one choice – very anabolic, will enhance the metabolism tremendously – will promote recovery and a more youthful look overall

      Nolvadex: a popular SERM that can be used to control estrogen – perfect for pre-competition – can provide a tighter look when body-fat is low
      Anabolic Steroids and Women – Total Stacks
      To get the most bang for your buck, if you’re going to supplement with anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing tools you need to know how to mix and match them, and of course, what doses to take. These stacks and plans will look remarkably different than typical male stacks, and for one basic reason you should already understand; the relationship between steroids and women, while it can be a positive one is also very fragile. There is a fine line to walk, and if it is not followed the virilization symptoms discussed above will show through, and they can show through in horrific ways. At any rate, it’s important to understand the below samples are just that, samples. Total dosing and duration can be adjusted to meet your needs; we have simply provided a guideline. Further, we cannot guarantee side-effects will not occur; we’ve told you what to look for, which steroids are the friendliest and how best to plan, but remember, we’re all unique human beings. With that said, the following will be well-suited for most women.

      Female Cycle 1:


























      Female Cycle 2:
















































      Female Cycle 3:





















































      wk: Week
      ed: Every Day
      mg: Milligram
      mcg: Microgram
      iu: International Unit
      Primo: Primobolan Depot

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      Women and Steroids - How to Eat For Muscle?
      Since every body type is different, it is difficult to generalize how one should eat for various goals (e.g. muscle gain, weight loss, competition, etc.). The following is an amalgam of information mostly generated from the personal webpages of bodybuilding, figure and fitness competition ‘legends' – people who know how the body works and how to optimize it. The emphasis here is on muscle building, and these insider practices will provide the foundation for what can be molded into a personalized diet and training regimen. Remember that any drastic changes in your diet or exercise programs should be discussed with a physician prior to implementation.

      Drinking water throughout the day is extremely important. Set out with the goal of consuming a gallon of water per day, but remember this is a goal not a necessity. Increasing water intake will impact a variety of dietary areas, and only actual water can be readily used in physiological processes. All other drinks require breakdown, and elicit secondary bodily responses. During serious training one should avoid soda, even diet versions. Consuming Aspartame and other Nutra Sweet-like products forces the body to release insulin and store fat, because of this they do NOT count as water intake.

      The total amount of calories eaten in a day depends largely on the stage of training, and the level of physical development. For example: eating more helps increase mass; eating less promotes weight loss and; eating lean & watching sodium improves definition and reduces fluid retention respectively.

      The daily requirements for a good general muscle building diet consists of a large amount of protein (approx. 120 -150 grams), some good complex carbs (100 - 250 grams), and a small amount of mostly unsaturated fats (20 - 30 grams). The above amounts are averages and will naturally vary based on individual requirements and activities.

      In the muscle building stage the total amount of calories consumed should be that which permits continuous progression without increasing stored body fat.

      (Caloric Intake > Normal Requirements + Training Requirements)

      This amount is often in the neighborhood of 1700-2100 cals a day. But let's look at this from another perspective. Calories per day can also be measured, and probably more clearly understood, in terms of calories per pound of bodyweight (ppbw). This vantage point permits us to more specifically examine requirements based on actual weight. For example, to gain muscle 125 pound woman might eat 15 calories ppbw, meaning she'd need 1875 calories a day. But again this is extremely individual, as another 125 pound woman might lose weight at this caloric amount depending on her metabolism and body composition. It is therefore, most important to learn from and listen to your body.

      Typically, any competitor (fitness, figure, or bodybuilder) will try to build as much muscle as possible until about two to four weeks (often more for bodybuilders) prior to the program, depending on body fat and appearance.

      During the last few weeks before competition the goal is to lean out (lose as much fat and water as possible), so caloric intake is reduced and should be customized for each individual. But whatever the decided amount, it must be substantial enough to spare all the hard earned muscle, while final goals are being attained.

      (Caloric Intake < Normal Requirements + Training Requirements)

      It is important to take a multi-vitamin/multi-mineral once daily, but be sure to check the label for iron content. The average dose is 18mgs per serving, but most manufactures produce both iron and iron-free multis because some people do not require additional amounts of this mineral, and could experience physiological complications if it were unnecessarily supplemented.

      An often overlooked aspect of paramount importance is the Post-Workout meal. It is during this glycogen (stores of energy found within the liver) deprived state that the most ideal conditions for nutrient absorption are found. An immediate meal composed of simple carbohydrates and protein are required to best take advantage of this opportunity. As time elapses the window for absorption depreciates exponentially, returning to normal at around the 40-minute mark.

      Creating a diet that becomes part of your lifestyle is most important. Crash dieting, weight loss pills/drinks and fad diets are merely SHORT-TERM fixes. A healthy eating lifestyle takes commitment, dedication, patience and planning.

      Set realistic short and long term goals. Make the short ones rapidly attainable, like losing a pound in two weeks. This way motivation is maintained as progress is constantly being made. Long term goals might include something like losing one percentage of body fat in month, or further out, placing in the top 10 in the next competition.

      Be sure to eat breakfast, preferably oatmeal. You may already know breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it stokes the metabolic furnace, but oatmeal is satisfying, filling and a great high-fiber way to start the day.

      Try to eat 3 medium size meals with two supplemental snacks per day, this method more evenly distributes energy and promotes more thorough digestion and elimination.

      Avoid foods that are processed, fried, and contain trans-fats.

      Although your diet should be extremely clean (filled with healthy wholesome foods and supplements), be sure to permit yourself a cheat meal or two every week. This is not a license to eat like a pig at your favorite fast food restaurant, but rather an opportunity to indulge in a fried, or creamy meal with a decadent dessert. Eventually these infractions will become unnecessary and likely eliminated altogether. This will occur for two reasons: 1) because you are training your body to no longer crave them and; 2) because they are so counter-productive to your goals that they'll become undesirable. But don't rush this; you'll know when the time is right.

      When preparing chicken, vegetables and potatoes select from spray oils such as olive, canola or vegetable and non-stick pans, rather than saturated fats like butter and margarine.

      Use cayenne/red pepper, garlic, and ground pepper to add flavor; avoid adding salts and sodium filled seasonings.

      Don't let a weak moments or days get you down, everyone falls off the wagon occasionally. Those who are driven pick themselves up and keep plugging away.

      No matter how much you go to the gym, DON'T forget one important rule: Your diet is ultimately responsible for your failures and successes!

      As far as food choices for protein, the best sources come from lean meats of any type with grilled or broiled boneless & skinless chicken breasts topping the list. Also of great value are egg whites, fat free cheeses, and salmon which is preferred twice weekly for its high concentration of Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs). The bulk of this diet should come from actual food, but be sure to supplement daily with protein bars and/or shakes between meals to increase protein intake without greatly impacting overall calories. There are also a few rules to observe regarding protein powders, central to which is selecting the best protein sources. Various brands claim that certain specific individual protein sources are best and should be exclusively consumed. However, a growing body of evidence suggests that this view is incorrect; instead indicating that a blend of proteins is superior to any one form. For example, the composition of milk is 80% casein (generally a fine protein) and 20% whey protein, however whey can be further broken down into both whey concentrate which has a 40% absorption rate, and whey isolate at 85% absorption. The highest quality supplements (shakes, bars, puddings, cookies, etc.) will use a combination of proteins in what's called a proprietary blend for maximum nutrient absorption. The FDA mandates that food product ingredients be listed by 'Order of Amount'. Not many people are aware of this, but in the case of proprietary blends (especially shake powders), the parentheses nullify the FDA mandate. This means that once the company chooses to use parentheses they no longer have to follow the ordering rule, and can list their ingredients as they see fit. This tactic is used to confuse consumers into thinking that the product contains a lot of the early listed high quality ingredients. Below are a few ways techniques for distinguishing quality powders from confederates.



      MAS Myoplex Light Protein Powder

      Optimum Nutrition's Rocky Road

      IDS' Belgium Chocolate, and Cappuccino


      Met-Rx; EAS, Avid Caramel Peanut Roll; Balance Almond Brownie


      Optimum Nutrition's Opti-Women Multivitamin

      GNC Women's Ultra Mega ACTIVE Multivitamin

      Often Added Nutrients:

      Vitamin C; Vitamin E; Flax Oil; L-Carnitine; Green tea; Kelp
      1.Examine the cholesterol content. Very high quality drinks contain virtually no cholesterol whatsoever, and often list it as less than one milligram. Those drinks with single digit milligram cholesterol amounts are of rather good quality. Once a drink enters double digit amounts, the quality begins to drop exponentially, and the majority of these are loaded with Whey concentrate (a poor and inexpensive source of protein).

      2.The higher quality protein blends have greater dissolvability and will mix more easily, while their inferior counterparts will be courser often requiring excessive shaking or necessitating blender assistance.

      3.Remember the above whey lesson. Be sure that any whey containing supplement (especially 100% Whey) you purchase contains the highly absorbable isolate form, and not the inexpensive, poorly absorbed whey concentrate.

      Whole wheat products, oatmeal, sweet potato, and rice cakes are carbohydrate dietary staples. It is also important to eat a couple of cups vegetables a day including frequent servings of the dynamic duo broccoli & spinach. Other female favorites are zucchini, carrots, beans, and asparagus. Try to mix up the choices in order to ensure the complete amount of vitamins throughout the diet. Fruits are also important carbs which provide additional energy filled nutrients and fiber, but are less frequently implemented when compared to veggies.

      King among healthy sources of fat is the legendary salmon. This is not the crusted, butter drenched local restaurant version, but rather the healthy, home-baked, brushed with extra virgin olive oil (to prevent drying) serving which is eaten at least twice a week by those in serious training. Other good poly- and mono-unsaturated fat food favorites include avocados, natural peanut butter, raw almond butter, and a variety of other nuts. When it comes to supplementing, several female competitors absolutely swear by Flax Seed Oil, among which the multi-blended, female friendly (contains Evening Primrose Oil), well formulated Udo's Choice Oil Blend from Flora is the favorite.



      There is considerable variation in the baseline flexibility between individuals, and furthermore even within a person's own body (e.g. flexible shoulders but inflexible hips or; flexible right hamstring, but tight, inflexible left hamstring). Genetics, injuries, and abnormal biomechanics all play a role in these differences. Stretching may be useful for both injury prevention and injury treatment. The commonly held belief is that stretching for prevention if properly practiced, potentially increases flexibility which appears to translate into a reduced risk of injury. The theory here is that muscles and tendons with a greater range of motion will be less likely to experience tears when actively used. Other speculative benefits are thought to be improved recovery and enhanced athletic performance, both of which are attributed to improved biomechanical efficiency.

      There are a variety of different types of stretches and numerous reasons why people perform them. Below are some of the more popular stretches, along with examples and the reasoning as to why they should be practiced or discontinued.

      Passive stretching is also referred to as relaxed stretching, and as static-passive stretching. A passive stretch is one where a position is assumed and held with some other part of the body, or with the assistance of a partner or some form of apparatus. For example, bringing the knee towards the chest, and then holding it there with the hands or arms is a form of passive stretching. The splits are also an example of a passive stretch in which the floor serves as the apparatus used to maintain the extended position.

      Active stretching, also know as static-active stretching, is when a position is assumed and then held with no assistance other than the strength of working (agonist) muscles. An example of this would be raising one's leg under its own power and suspending it in the air without the assistance of other body parts or apparatus. The tension of the agonists in an active stretch helps to relax the muscles being stretched (the antagonists). Active stretching increases active flexibility and strengthens the agonistic muscles. Active stretches are usually quite difficult to hold and maintain for more than 10 seconds and rarely need to be held any longer than 15 seconds. Many of these movements (or stretches) can be found in various forms of yoga.

      Isometric stretching is a type of static stretching (meaning it does not use motion) which involves the resistance of muscle groups through isometric contractions or the tensing of stretched muscles. This form is more commonly referred to as 'flexing', and is often used by bodybuilders during contests to better display muscle groups, and in practice to enhance striations.


      You should not try to make big gains in flexibility in a short time spans. Stretching should be done gradually over a long period of time, and maintained to prevent slipping back towards inflexibility. Many people enthusiastically embark on a stretching program, but then quit a few weeks into it because they haven't seen results. Be patient and consistent, flexibility takes time to accrue. Below are some examples of simple, yet diverse stretches:

      Reach Ups – Reach with both hands as high as possible, clasp them together and inhale deeply. Exhale on the way down, while slowly lowering your arms returning them to the sides.

      Alligator Stretch – Lie on your stomach and gently push up onto your elbows. Try to look back at the ceiling or the other wall behind you while stretching the abdominals and lower back. You may advance the stretch from the elbows/forearms onto your hands for a deeper stretch.

      Seated Straddle Stretch – Seated with your legs forward in a V-position, while exhaling slowly reach toward the center until you feel the stretch. Hold for 10-30 seconds. Repeat the exercise 3 times.

      Back Crunch Rolls – Lay on your back, pull your knees toward you in a ball position, and crunch your chest toward your knees. Hold, then release. Repeat 5-10 times.

      Cat Stretch – Either standing with your hands on your knees, or on the ground with hands and knees on the floor like a cat, round up your back and inhale deeply. Then relax your back while exhaling. Repeat for 5 deep breaths.

      Chest and Triceps Stretch – Seated with legs folded or standing, reach behind you with both hands and clasps them together. Try to extend both arms for a full stretch.

      Standing Torso Twist – From a standing position, slowly twist the torso from left to right to loosen up the spine and lower back.

      Standing Calf Stretch – Lunge forward toward a wall with one leg. Keeping your heel on the floor, leave the other leg stretched behind you. This move looks like you are trying to push down the wall. Repeat stretch with the other leg.

      Overhead Triceps Reach – Standing or seated reach behind your head with one arm and try to extend the fingers between your shoulder blades toward the middle of the back. Use your other hand to grasp the elbow and help with the stretch. Repeat the stretch on the other side.

      One naturally assumes that the stretching of muscles and connective tissues (tendons and ligaments) prior to exercise would be the best way to prevent injury during said exercise, right? Well, not only is the research in this area inconclusive, but the data proving the exact opposite is mounting. A one-year study of 1543 athletes who ran in the Honolulu Marathon, found only 33% of male runners who did not stretch were hurt, while a striking 47% of male runners who stretched regularly were injured (Lally D, 1994.). Even when the research accounted for the fact that the strongest predictor of a future injury is a past injury, and excluded runners who took up stretching after a previous injury, stretchers who did not run any more miles than the non-stretchers still had a 33% greater risk of injury. However, this study also found that stretching after workouts reduced the risk of injury. This led to the conclusion that stretching should occur when muscles are thoroughly warmed, in order to be considered a protective measure.

      In a similar study (van Mechelen W, Hlobil H, Kemper HCG, et al., 1993) 159 runners who were instructed how to warm up, cool down and stretch effectively were compared to a control group of 167 similar runners who received no instruction. The injury rates of the two groups were identical suggesting that the stretching instructions produced no protective benefit. Still other research has determined stretching may be beneficial. A study of military recruits who performed a series of static stretches before and after training were compared to a control group which did not stretch at all (Amoko et al, 2003). Although there was no difference in the rate of bone or joint injuries, the stretching group returned a significantly lower rate of muscle-related injuries.

      In their review of this literature, Thacker et al (2004) stated that "There is not sufficient evidence to endorse or discontinue routine stretching before or after exercise to prevent injury among competitive or recreational athletes. Further research, especially well-conducted randomized controlled trials, is urgently needed to determine the proper role of stretching in sports."

      Warm-Up Cardio - A good way to increase blood flow and preheat the body is to perform several minutes (working up a good sweat) of cardio activity prior to training. The rule here is not to exceed 30 minutes of cardio training activity prior to weight training, after said time athletic research indicates a decline physical strength.

      Warm-Up Weight Training - A commonly practiced activity among many weight lifters is to lift less weight during the first one or two sets of a new exercise. It is believed that this method eliminates muscular shock by preparing the body for the workload of the heavy training sets.

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      Default Re: Women and Steroids

      This is good stuff. Women need all the information they can arm themselves with when they decide to start supplementing with AAS. These articles are great and I always appreciate them.
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      Default Re: Women and Steroids

      Quote Originally Posted by Hy-Maint View Post
      This is good stuff. Women need all the information they can arm themselves with when they decide to start supplementing with AAS. These articles are great and I always appreciate them.
      Glad u liked it I don't think there is enough info for wemon out there my wife has been training and juiceing for five years now orals and pin mainly pins if you would like I'll post a log for her and list all the aas likes and dislikes she has experience with just let me know I'm trying to find more good info for wemon and aas

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      Default Re: Women and Steroids

      Quote Originally Posted by MOUNTAIN-MAN View Post
      Glad u liked it I don't think there is enough info for wemon out there my wife has been training and juiceing for five years now orals and pin mainly pins if you would like I'll post a log for her and list all the aas likes and dislikes she has experience with just let me know I'm trying to find more good info for wemon and aas
      Var + Oral Primo is a great female cycle.

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      Default Re: Women and Steroids

      Quote Originally Posted by MuscleAddiction View Post
      Var + Oral Primo is a great female cycle.
      She just started primo last night

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      Default Re: Women and Steroids

      So one of the potential side effects of Anavar is decreased Libido. While this would move my wife from nympho to above normal, is there anything a woman can take to counter act that side effect?

      Good info on Anavar, my wife has been seriously thinking of trying it.

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      Default Re: Women and Steroids

      Quote Originally Posted by cybrsage View Post
      So one of the potential side effects of Anavar is decreased Libido. While this would move my wife from nympho to above normal, is there anything a woman can take to counter act that side effect?

      Good info on Anavar, my wife has been seriously thinking of trying it.
      Bullshit!!! My wife's sex drive skyrockets on Var, she can't get enough when cycling on it...must just depend on the woman and possibly her age.

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      Default Re: Women and Steroids

      Quote Originally Posted by MuscleAddiction View Post
      Bullshit!!! My wife's sex drive skyrockets on Var, she can't get enough when cycling on it...must just depend on the woman and possibly her age.
      My god...if that happens...my god...I can barely keep up with her now, even while taking Proviron AND Cialis...

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      Default Re: Women and Steroids

      Quote Originally Posted by cybrsage View Post
      My god...if that happens...my god...I can barely keep up with her now, even while taking Proviron AND Cialis...
      lol I hope it kicks in for my wife sex drive what is that ? Lmao

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      Default Re: Women and Steroids

      Quote Originally Posted by MuscleAddiction View Post
      Bullshit!!! My wife's sex drive skyrockets on Var, she can't get enough when cycling on it...must just depend on the woman and possibly her age.
      nope i have heard and seen the same thing in all age ranges of females. it drives the sex drive through the roof. bet you just like with men if you tell them that they will lose their desire they will though. funny but people get something in their minds and convince themselves that they are experiencing it haha
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      Default Re: Women and Steroids

      All of my friends have already volunteered to help me with my wife's sex drive. She really is a monster when it comes to that.

      I hope it kicks in for your wife. You can always give her IPT-141 injections. That stuff has the power to override the limitations put on people by SSRIs!

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      Default Re: Women and Steroids

      Quote Originally Posted by cybrsage View Post
      All of my friends have already volunteered to help me with my wife's sex drive. She really is a monster when it comes to that.

      I hope it kicks in for your wife. You can always give her IPT-141 injections. That stuff has the power to override the limitations put on people by SSRIs!
      Thanks man she is on Zoloft now and I know that is what is killing her drive I hate anti-depressant drugs

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