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    Thread: Thyroid function explained PART 3

    1. #1
      BABY1's Avatar
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      • Thyroid function explained PART 3

      • Thyroid function explained PART 3
      • Thyroid function explained PART 3
      • Thyroid function explained PART 3
      • Thyroid function explained PART 3
      • Thyroid function explained PART 3
      • Thyroid function explained PART 3
      Make sure you read the stickies about Thyroid part 1 and 2 also


      The thyroid gland, with the help of the pituitary, is the most important organ in the body for controlling weight and body fat. Thyroid hormones define the rate of cellular metabolism. If the thyroid gland is functioning properly, and enough thyroid hormone is getting to the cells, the energy from food is properly utilized. If there is a problem with the gland itself or if something is interfering with the thyroid hormone's ability to bind to it's target cells, metabolism alters, slowing down or speeding up every process in the body, which in turn can cause many reccuring problems.


      Fatigue can be directly related to problems with the thyroid. The process by which energy from food is released and transferred to useable energy by the cells is a complex chain of chemical reactions known as cellular respiration. Some energy is released from food in the absence of oxygen (anaerobic respiration), but most is derived in the mitochondria of the cells in the presence of oxygen (aerobic respiration). In the mitochondria, aerobic respiration produces cellular energy in the form of ATP ( a large energy molecule). T3 and T4 are needed to utilize oxygen during aerobic respiration. If T4 or T3 levels are low, cellular respiration and energy are depleted, excess oxygen builds up in the cells, and oxidative, or free-radical, damage occurs. When these levels are low, the number of mitochondria in our cells actually begins to decrease.


      The metabolism of fats and absorption of essential fatty acids (EFAs) are important functions of the thyroid. Insufficient T4 to stimulate fat metabolism can lead to Hyperlipidemia, or elevated cholesterol. Whithout the benefit of cardioprotective nutrients from essential fatty acids, you may be at an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. If you have a high cholesterol reading, be sure to have your thyroid function evaluated before beginning medication. T3 is necessary for the utilization of oxygen by the mitochondria during cellular respiration. Inadequate T3 in the cells has a negative effect on oxygen consumption. Excess oxygen results in an increase in the oxidation of lipids (fats) and free radical damage. Increased oxidation of the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) form of cholesterol, often reffered to as "bad" cholesterol, has been identified in hyperthyroidism and hypothyroid states.


      T4 also influences how quickly glucose (sugar) is absorbed from the intestines and then taken up by the cells. T4 stimulates the conversion of proteins and fats to glycogen when blood sugar is high and the transformation of glycogen to glucose when blood sugar is low. The thyroid gland assists the pancreas and liver in maintaining stable blood sugar. In other words, T4 increases insulin response.


      Chronic stress affects the thyroid and endocrine function in a number of ways. The pituitary gland, the bodies "master gland," stimulates and controls the function of the adrenal cortex by secreting adrenocorticotropic (ACTH). If required to maintain a constant level of the major stress hormone cortisol in response to stress, the pituitary gland may over work. Too much production of ACTH may divert the pituitary from manufacturing other tropic hormones such as TSH, FSH, and LH. Cortisol production requires tyrosine, the same amino acid needed for the synthesis of T4. Excess cortisol production can deplete tyrosine levels, making it unavailable to the thyroid gland to make thyroid hormones. Stress depletes other important nutrients for T4 production, namely chromium and zinc. Excessive cortisol production from chronic stress also inhibits the conversion of T4 to T3 and the secretion of TSH.


      behavior and mood...depression, fatigue, sleepiness, poor concentration
      cardiovascular.........slow pulse rate (<70bpm):
      cholesterol..............elevated cholesterol
      features..................coarse voice, stunted growth, enlarged thyroid
      Gastrointestinal........slowed digestion, bloating, heartburn, poor appetite
      metabolism..............decreased basal metabolic rate, weight gain
      muscles and reflexes..muscle aches, cramping, numbness in hads and feet
      respiratory...............breathing slows, poor ventilation
      Tolerance to temp..... intolerance to cold.


      behavior and mood...nervousness, irritability, insomnia, exhaustion
      cardiovascular.........heart palpitations, rapid pulse
      cholesterol..............decreased cholesterol
      features.................bulging eyes, enlarged thyroid
      gastrointestinal........diarea, increased appetite
      metabolism..............increased basal metabolic rate, weight loss
      muscles and reflexes..muscle weakness, tremors
      tolerance to temp.....intolerance to heat.

      I know that's alot to stomach, but perhaps people will consider the importance of their thyroid gland before taking thyroid meds out of ignorance or being miss informed...the choice is ultimately yours...compare and save!

      If you haven't already, take the BMT test that I have posted and see where your thyroid lies. Be responsible and your body will thank you for it with long life!

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      Default Re: Thyroid function explained PART 3

      BABY1 - Thank you for the information on T3 (andT4) and how it relates to thyroid function. I have a friend that isn't a body-builder and at 50 years old last year was desperately trying to lose weight. He was about 60 lbs overweight last spring when I met him and I got him on an exercise program that mainly consisted of high intensity circuit training and cardio (about 30 minutes of each) 4-5x's/week. I also got hi on a 6 week cycle of T3 and a stack of 300 mgs of cyp and 100 mgs of tren-a every 4 days. The results were almost hard to believe, he'd taken the T3 exactly as I told him to, starting w/25mcg/day for 4 days, then 50 for 4 days . . .leveling out at 100 mcgs then back down the same way to end his cycle at 6 weeks. He continued to lose weight for several more weeks and in a 10 week period had lost a total of 60 lbs! He kept it off for about a month then started to put it back on and wanted more T3. I told him he needed to be off for another couple weeks at least (6 weeks on/6 weeks off) and that if he didn't follow this he could screw up his thyroid and may need to take it for life. Then after about 10 weeks total had past I got him another cycle of T3. He'd put on about 30 lbs of the 60 he'd lost by then. Despite my instructions, I later came to find out that he didn't take 2nd T3 cycle as instructed claiming he couldn't take more than 25 mcg's without getting the shakes so he only took 25 mcgs/day but for longer than 6 weeks. I have no idea the duration since he recently tells me not only that he didn't lose any weight off the 2nd cycle but that he didn't take every day and when he did he only took one (25 mcgs/day) and he just recently ran out a few weeks ago and has no energy and is tired all the time and wants more. He no longer works out and again thinks he may have screwed up his thyroid, which I'm inclined to agree with. He was also sweating profusely over the last several months and no longer, since he's off the T3, is doing so. He won't see a doctor and I obviously will no longer be helping him in any way in this area. You'd mentioned a test to take in your above thread at end but I can't find it anywhere. Can you point me in right direction so I can get him to do so and offer any other advice to him that may help? Thanks.

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      Default Re: Thyroid function explained PART 3

      There are a number of tests to take to check thyroid production. I have Hashimotos thyroid disease and have been able to manage me levels without taking any thyroid meds. The only way to tell if he may have Hashimotos is by getting the thyroid anti bodies tested. You can still come up with normal tsh, t3, t4 etc and have high antibodies, indicative of autoimmune thyroid disease. I have compiled a lot of info on this and I also know that so many things can affect the thyroid with the thyroid problem being secondary to the primary cause. It is a puzzle to find out sometimes. Keeping our sex hormones stable, has a lot to do with thyroid function too..
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      Default Re: Thyroid function explained PART 3

      I will do some digging in my info and see what more I can come up with. Guns01 is really knowledgeable on thyroid too, as well as, some more of our members
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      Default Re: Thyroid function explained PART 3

      Does he take any meds on a regular basis?
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      • Thyroid function explained PART 3
      • Thyroid function explained PART 3
      • Thyroid function explained PART 3
      • Thyroid function explained PART 3
      • Thyroid function explained PART 3
      Just test as a base and stacks it with either tren-a 150 mgs, deca 200 mgs or eq 400 mgs. Runs about 400 mgs of mostly cyp for test and will alternate the other 3 in specified doses with the 400 mgs of cyp switching them out every 6 weeks or so. Most recently, he's been stacking the cyp w deca for last month or so (every 5 days).

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