How much do you guys think CLEN may help to keep the gains...

I am tryin to gather as much info as i possibily can to keep most of my gains...

i was thinkin of combination of HCG + NOlva + clomid + Clen

How would u guys sujest to run them 4 together post cycle to increase the chances of keepin the gains...

how about

500iu hcg for 10 days till 5 day before clomid therapy

then 40mg nolva + 150mg clomid for 2 weeks
then 20mg nolva + 100mg clomid for 2 weeks
then 50mg clomid for 1 week

I kinda made that formula up

THanks every one for your time

ps. Some disagree to run clomid and nolva and sujest stickin to one of them do u guys agree?