Hey bros, I don't fight for fun but spar for sport but there is a guy at my kickboxing club who I feel I must fight. it would not be a dark alley fight it would be held at my club but without headgear. My question is if I were to shoot 150mg of test prop before the fight would it have any effect in such a short time. Also I just came off a enth, deca, winstrol cycle and finished clomid 1 week ago. If I did one shot would it mess up time on =time off? This guy has to be juicing he is swole up like a balloon and is slow but he is stronger than me for sure. He out weighs me by 25# and is 2 inches shorter. I know it is stupid and petty and I should swallow my pride but I feel I must for my dignity. I don't fight anymore because the opthamologist said I have a propencity for a detatched retina. It made me stop but I have been hit pretty hard before and suffered no ill consequence in the past. sorry it is so long and I rambled but I am pissed and confused, a bad combination.