Quote Originally Posted by jandkk24 View Post
For me the side i get that made me drop a compound is tren. I can handle night sweats, tren cough, feeling super hot all the time, but the worst is my muscles will cramp up like a mother fucker. It feels like the muscle is rolling itself into a ball. could be my leg, arm, abs. whatever i worked out it just cramps. Worst pain ever and shitty when doing things like pinning your ass, jacking it, walking. Just all around no fun.
that sounds like it over dried you out and you didnt compensate with enough water. you have to pound the crap out of some water even when running low dose tren. taurine would have also helped you out a bit as well

Quote Originally Posted by whitetail View Post
Only side I have really had is about the 8-10 week mark my skin goes to shit and there no stopping it. I was thinking of trying short cycles. Not stupid short but maybe 7 weeks with prop, good pct, 7 weeks off then another 7 weeker. When I come off I feel, look and perform great for months after the test clears.
switch over to non moisturizing soaps whitetail when you fire up your cycle. i use dial magnetic(the red label one) or gold bar dial soap. it will keep you skin super dry and acne free most of the time. even on low dose cycle moisturizing soaps make me break out big time