During my journey through the community, I saw this and though interesting and wanted to share with my buds here
Posted by vx1 from UM

No, that wasn't a typo. All AAS function via the same androgen receptor; but different compounds produce their effects in very different ways. Some compounds like Test and NPP work by increasing the rate of protein synthesis. However, it is not correct that all AAS increase muscle protein synthesis; in fact trenbolone acetate (TBA) is known to actually decrease new protein synthesis. See references below. Then how does it increase lean muscle mass? Net protein accretion is determined by two rates, the rate of protein synthesis and the rate of protein degradation. High rates of both result in high protein turnover, but not necessarily high protein accretion or retention. Test and NPP both increase the rate of protein turnover, by increasing both the rate of synthesis and degradation; however they increase synthesis more than they do degradation, resulting in increased protein accretion. In other words, they cause you to produce more new protein than is lost, so your muscles grow. Tren (TBA) works the opposite way it decreases both protein synthesis and degradation, reducing protein turnover; but it decreases degradation more, so net protein accretion is increased. In other words, some compounds work by increasing anabolism while others decrease catabolism.

What is the practical significance of this? Anabolic compounds, like NPP are better suited to bulking, because your main focus is increasing protein synthesis to build more new muscle. Anti-catabolic compounds, like Tren, on the other hand, are better suited to cutting, because they work by preventing protein degradation. Tren can increase muscle size, even in a caloric deficit, by preventing the loss of muscle protein, which, also, forces your body to get its energy from fat, burning more fat. This also explains why stacking is so effective. Tren taken alone is not as effective as when combined with test. By combining anabolic compounds with anti-catabolic compounds in the same cycle, you are getting the best of both worlds, increasing protein synthesis and decreasing protein degradation at the same time. The bottom line is that different compounds work thru distinct mechanisms, producing different effects. Understanding these differences is important to get the greatest benefit depending on one's goals. I have heard countless times that all AAS can be used for either bulking or cutting, etc. And that all AAS work the same way by increasing protein synthesis. These simplistic statements are just plain false, and reveal a great ignorance of the distinct mechanisms of action of different compounds.


Effect of NPP on Protein Metabolism (attached, tried to attach it but didn't work)

Effects of anabolic agents: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/arti...00357-0237.pdf

Effecs of Trenbolone Acetate: Cambridge Journals

Mode of action of anabolic agents: Cambridge Journals