Washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water is one of the simplest ways to prevent colds from spreading. But does antibacterial soap work any better than plain soap in fighting infections? Not according to a study by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Preventing Colds: All Washed Up
The CDC study involved more than 200 households, some of which used soap containing 0.2 percent triclosan (an antibacterial) and others using ordinary soap. When compared to plain soap, antibacterial soap appeared to provide no benefits in reducing rates of colds in generally healthy people.
"The kind of soap you use doesn't matter," says Samuel N. Grief, MD, medical director of campus care at the University of Illinois at Chicago. "Any liquid or bar soap works just fine in protecting you against colds and infections."
In fact, some studies say that frequent use of certain types of antibacterial soap may actually be harmful. Evidence suggests that residue-producing antibacterial soap may kill normal healthy bacteria on the skin as well as unhealthy bacteria, allowing resistant bacteria to take its place. Resistant bacteria can make antibiotics less effective.
So, if regular bar soap works just as well as antibacterial soap, why is antibacterial soap so popular? "The heightened media attention about 'superbugs' makes it sound like if soap is good, antibacterial [soap] is better," says Wendy Hess, RN, director, infection control at Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey. "This obsession with cleanliness is also fueled by product claims promising complete elimination of microorganisms when used."

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Preventing Colds: The Science Behind Antibacterial Soap
There are two types of antibacterial agents:
  • Fast-acting antibacterials, such as alcohol, chlorine, and peroxide, are found in many hand sanitizers. They leave no residue behind and eliminate harmful bacteria without wiping out good bacteria, and are generally safe and effective.
  • Residue-producing antibacterials are found in the majority of antibacterial soaps. These newer compounds break down more slowly, leaving a residue on the skin. They work more slowly to eliminate bacteria, and can allow for the development of resistant bacteria. One such residue-producing antibacterial, triclosan, can be found in 76 percent of liquid antibacterial soaps used in the United States. Triclocarban, another residue-producing antibacterial, is in approximately 30 percent of antibacterial bar soaps.
"Antibacterial soaps that leave behind a residue are really overkill for the general population," says Hess. "Plus, they can dry out the skin more."
Residue-producing antibacterial soaps are best suited for health care workers who come into contact with a variety of different infections and who must eliminate all bacteria prior to performing medical procedures, explains Hess.
While antibacterial bar and liquid soaps may not be necessary for the mainstream public, alcohol-based hand sanitizers do play an important role when it comes to reducing the spread of infections. Hand sanitizers are a convenient way to disinfect when soap and water are not available, such as when traveling, running errands, in the workplace, and in school and daycare settings.
When buying hand sanitizers, "look for an alcohol-based sanitizer with an alcohol content of 60 to 95 percent," recommends Hess. In addition to alcohol, look on the label for the following disinfectants and sanitizers: iodophor, hexachlorophene, or triclosan.

Preventing Colds: The Pros and Cons of Soap and Sanitizers
Use the following to evaluate which products to buy:

Pros of Using Antibacterial Soap
  • Effective at preventing the spread of infections in a health care setting and when caring for someone with a compromised immune system, such as a cancer patient.
Cons of Using Antibacterial Soap
  • Kills both good and bad bacteria, which may make antibiotics ineffective against new strains of bacteria
  • Can give consumers a false sense of security by creating a relaxed attitude toward good hygiene
  • Costs more than regular soap
Pros of Using Regular Soap
  • Costs less
  • Works as well as antibacterial soap
  • Won't kill healthy bacteria on the skin
Cons of Using Regular Soap
  • Not as portable as antibacterial hand sanitizers
  • People may not wash hands thoroughly enough to kill harmful bacteria
Pros of Using Antibacterial Hand Sanitizers
  • Provides hand hygiene when water is not available
  • Available in portable travel sizes for convenience
  • Kills germs without killing healthy bacteria (if alcohol content is between 60 and 95 percent)
Cons of Using Antibacterial Hand Sanitizers
  • Too much can lead to dry skin that cracks, increasing the risk of infection
Soap and Sanitizers: The Bottom Line
Any type of soap can rid your body of harmful bacteria if used properly. You don't have to pay extra for antibacterial soap. But remember to practice good hand-washing techniques to reduce your chances of spreading colds and infections. And carry alcohol-based hand sanitizers with you when on the go.