Toss: Sneakers
If you had:
Athlete's foot.
Most gym shoes can be sanitized in the wash, but if you've had recurring bouts, give them the boot. Fungus can survive a long time in dark, moist places like sneaks.

Toss: Emery Boards
If you had: Nail infection.
They're difficult to sanitize, so use a new one if you're a regular nail filer.

Toss: Contact Lenses, Lens Case, and Eye Makeup
If you had: Eye infection.
All are bacteria magnets. Also, avoid sharing linens and towels when sick.

Don't Toss: Lipstick/Lip Balm
If you had: Cold sore.
It is caused by a virus that stays dormant in your nerves for life, so you can't reinfect yourself by swiping on your favorite gloss.

Don't Toss: Toothbrush
If you had: Cold or flu.
No studies show using one after you've been ill will make you sick again (you've likely built up immunity to the viruses). Always rinse your brush thoroughly, let it air-dry, and replace it every 3 to 4 months.