Here are some quick stats:
34 years old
Weight: 215lbs
Height: 5'10"
BF% - 13-14% range.

I have only really ever just done "bulking" type cycles using Test E/Deca/D-bol as the primary components. I have done this cycle probably 3 or 4 times in the past. I just finished this same cycle with dosages of Test E @ 500mg/wk and Deca @ 400mg/wk. Took D-Bol at approx 40mg daily for first 5 weeks of cycle. Just finished pct and looking forward to planning my next cycle. I want to do something different this time. Something a little more "cutting oriented" while keeping respect with size and strength gains. Would be nice to hold a bit less water as well.

Here was what I was thinking...

Test E @ 500mg/wk weeks 1-14
EQ @ 500 mg/wk weeks 1-14
Winny (tabs) @ 40 mg/day weeks 1-8

Never tried winny or EQ before and wasn't sure of the proportion of dosages. Shoult I take test in a 1:1 ratio with EQ? How does the dose and length of time look for Winny (wasn't sure if I should cycle it for a shorter time similar to d-bol)? Thank you guys for any help you can provide.