So I discussed running a Tren/Test cycle after dropping the winstrol idea. So now I have the Tren-Test mix.

150mg/ml Trenbolone Enanthate
250mg/ml Testosterone Enanthate

I also have 2 x EQ, 2 x Prop, 2 x Test Cyp. and a few other things. I have 3 bottles of the Tren/Test mix . How would you lay out a good cycle with this. I think someone mentioned running the Test Prop with the Tren & Test .

My info. I am 5'11 200 lbs and 15.50% BF . I am wanting to lean up but still add some good muscle mass. My second question is do I need to run some HCG at the end of this cycle? What are the best ancillaries for this cycle. I have clomid on hand. Not prone to gyno or hair loss. But would like to have whatever is needed to keep it that way.
