I have read a little on Test Suspension, like how it was the first roid, Russians used the crap out of it in power lifting, how it's amazing for strength and size gains.
There are however a few things that bothered me.
First off, the injections are painful...how painful exactly? like Sustanon painful, 5ml of prop into delt painful, i wanna frikin cut off my arm and gnaw at it to stop myself from crying painful? how painful?
Secondly, i read that all of your gains disappear after you discontinue. is this true? does this include size gains? if so then what's the point?
Thirdly, it's suppose to be used at least once a day but 2-3 times for optimal results. is this true? is there any way around it?
Also will using it in the same syringe as other oily compounds like EQ, Deca, and prop make it hurt less, or reduce its effectiveness?
