Hey everyone. I am looking into my 2 nd cycle .I will be starting in about a month and half or so .I am looking for ideas so i figured i would throw out what i was thinking and then you can let me know what you think.

1-4 test prop (250) evry 3 days------------------------------------
---- (every 3 days worked on my first cycle)----------------------
1-10 test cyp 400 mg's evry 5 days (which=560 a week)
1-10 EQ 300 mg every 5 days (which =420mg a week)
10-13 test prop 250 every 3 days

Then of course clomid 3 days after the last prop shot . It's kind of diferent i know .I am not big on the idea of d bol as it's an oral and plus the bloating etc. hence the reason i am hesitant about winny.I know i can inject winny but eod would be very hard for me to do (not due to the shot ).

thats why i on my first cycle i was going every 3 days on the prop plus my source reccomended that . My first cycle was 300 of deca and test cyp a week ,injecting once a week and due to the lack of gains i finished my cycle with some prop week 8-12 at 250 every 3 days and i grew a total of 18 lbs and kept about 15 .

I am 31 and have been lifting for quite a few years i am 5'8" and weigh 180 . I am looking to get some more size but not sacrificing to much body fat (lean massing)i beleive someone once called it .I want to stay lean or as lean as i can

Anyways thats all the info needed i beleive .What do you guy's think of tren ,i am not quite 100% ready on this one but apparently it kicks ass
