it hit me like a locomotive at 4PM today. I am using the humalin R primarily because I am a cheap bastard and I can work with the time factor. I injected 5 I.U.'s right before I went in the gym, worked out for an hour and an hour later, right when my stopwatch said 2 hours it hit me. I am going to have to figure out why my diet didnt control it but at 2 hours into it I started to get very hypo. I was dripping sweat and drank down almost an entire carton of grapefruit juice along with a ton of food. Not the best way to start kick this off but you have to break a few eggs to make an omlette...

I wanted to let you guys know that and also that I am not going to be around as much for a little while (I know your sooo sad). With the new position I am working more than I ever have in my life. The great part is that is enjoyable. Except for sex this is the most fun I am having.