Thanks...they sent 12 tubes of on January 6th to the Mayo Clinic and said I should have the results in 2 weeks via a letter in the mail. These were test my rheumetologist ran.

I have never seen a real "focus" on the enalrged heart and it was only mentioned when they were unable to do a nornal stress test and did a chemical one instead. The doctor said that when I am under stress, it becomes enalrged and does not contract enough to force ample blood flow out of the heart. My primary care doctor sent me for an angioplasty but has not mentioned anything else about this other than there were no blockages. I have full confidence in my primary care physician as I have 2 friends who are anesthesiologists who use him as well and say he is the best internal medicine physician in our area.

Hopefully, I'll have the blood work back soon and mayh even return to my primary to have him run several tests in regards to test levels.

