Ok well some of you know I am going to be joining the military. There are some things I need to handle first. I should have all of this handled by the beginning of May.

I am about 2.5 weeks into a bulk
750mg Test E/EW
600mg EQ/EW
450mg Deca/EW
50mg dbol/ED 1-4
50mg Proviron/ED

I cruised for a few months before this on 250mg test e/EW

Now here is my thing. When I started this cycle I did not plan on joining as fast as I am. I thought I would be at least a year out. Now it’s looking like I am closer to 6 months out. I was going to run this bulk, cruise for a few weeks then run a cut, them PCT, then no more juice for a while.

I am about 220lbs right now. I’m heavier than I am allowed to be for my higher but I’m right around the BF I’m allowed to be at so that doesn’t matter. I recently switched my diet up to help me with this. I would like to try and lose as much fat as possible and slim down sum. If I could be sitting around 205lbs with low bf and strong as shit I will be very happy.

So what should i do as far as cycle?
Should I stay with the cycle I am on now?
Should I stop this cycle and start something else with shorter esters?

I have Plenty of Test E, Tren a, Proviron
I have about 10 weeks worth of var (100mg/ED)
I have about 4-6 more weeks worth of dbol (50mg/ed)
I have a good amount of EQ
I have some Deca left
I have about 2 vials of Sust 300 as well I think they may be 20ml.
I also have some TNE

What should I do?

I need strength and endurance more than anything else. I could honestly care less about size or looks right now. I just want to get as strong as possible and have the most endurance as possible. For that reason I want to keep EQ in whatever I decide to do to increase RBC’s.

I was thinking about doing this,
Dropping the deca and switching it to tren a
Keep running the dbol for next 2 weeks
Add anavar for the next 10 weeks

Stop, PCT and no more juice. yay or nay?

What are your inputs guys and gals? I am really looking for honest opinions. This is a huge step for me and I want to be at my peak performance. Also just a side not, my little cousin who I am very close to just graduated basic training and he got an award for physical fitness, he got the best PT score out of his other 104 peers. His score was 334 out of 300. So as you can see this poses a problem for me as I cannot let my little cousin beat me lol.