getting my shit back together and I want a cycle that wont hurt my hairline anymore than it has been already but doesnt puff me up like ****. Im starting at a new school and dont wanna look like the sta-puft marshmallow man for the girls in class. Cycle history was about 5 cycles and usually was test based with normally no more than one other compound along with it and not exceeding a test dose of 750, usually was just at 500.Got up to 220 and then got out of wack in lifting and moved. after that sorta dropped my diet and lifting for a while and have been off all compounds but wanting to get back into the mix again. Looking to bulk up and gain a lot of mass

lifting experience is 6 years, 185lbs, 5'10

Another thing is that I am trying to get my stamina and cardio health up within the next month for rugby practices that are starting in feb so I wanted to take something that will work with that