I really hate when this happens. A few weeks back I started a cycle of Test Suspension, Deca and some abombs in tablet form. Things were going freakin great, packin on some pounds, strength etc....I ran out of the tablet form of Abombs and had some UG liquid Abombs to replace it with. After three days I felt like i was catchin a cold or something and thought nothing of it. through TG wasn't feelin great but mobile. Come that Sat I was at the gym and started to tell my buddy that something just aint right. Running a cold sweat, no breath, and like the machines were comin down on me. I call my wife to book a Dr appointment. They had an opening in an hour so i left and went straight there, even had a hard time driving. I see the Dr and tell her my equilibrium is off, out of breath, nauseous, etc. She starts with the normal activities and says you know you have a 103 temp and i believe a case of the flu. Go home, isolate yourself and rest/sleep for 3 days. I beleive it was the liquid abombs doing this as, once i stopped, a started to feel better, in fact, today was the first day back to the gym.

I hate when this happens