Sydney Morning Herald article

Let them all cheat, it's the only answer
Adrian Proszenko
October 14, 2007


RENOWNED swimming coach Don Talbot has done a stunning backflip on his hardline anti-drugs stance in the wake of the Marion Jones fiasco and has urged authorities to consider legalising the use of drugs.

"When people start to talk about legalising it, I don't like the sound of that, but maybe it needs to be looked at more," Talbot told The Sun-Herald. "I hear people saying, 'I wonder what drugs he's taking? I wonder when she'll confess?'

"I really think the administrators of the sport don't want to know about it. They need to put their thinking caps on and find some other way and the only alternative being presented is to legalise drug-taking.

"The reality is too many people now [take steroids], there's too much money at stake ... you want it to all go away but it's not.

"It's the only alternative suggestion that's come up to control or, to at least equalise or nullify the effect of someone taking drugs ... It's got to be brought up, made an issue, not just in the sport I'm in but in every bloody sport.

"That leaves a dirty taste in everyone's mouth, but what do you do?"

The radical proposal also has the backing of Mike Agostini, a former Olympic sprinter, world record-holder and Commonwealth Games gold medallist for Trinidad and Tobago in the 1950s.

Now an Australian citizen, Agostini claims performance-enhancing drugs are relatively safe if administered properly and allow athletes to reach their true potential.

Agostini, who equalled the world indoor 100yards record of 9.6 seconds in 1954, claimed the majority of top athletes were on drugs and that Jones's only sin was lying about using them.

"The take I have on this is very simple - if you want to end the problem of drugs in sport, legalise them," said Agostini, who is penning a book on the subject.

"An Oxford university professor [Australian-born ethicist Julian Savulescu] I communicated with made that statement and I agree with him.

"Every day in Australia, there would be tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of people who are medically and legally prescribed steroids safely but still with side-effects, sometimes.

"The question is, why would we expect athletes, when they are doing it for a living, not to take drugs?"

"We have the mistaken impression that drugs make the athlete, which isn't true. If that's right, everyone would be a good athlete. Drugs simply enable you to maximise that talent."

The opinions of two of the most respected voices in sport will cause worldwide angst as officials reel from the damage Jones has caused to her sport's credibility.

The one-time golden girl handed back the five medals she won at the Sydney Olympics, although the woman she beat for the 100metres title, Katerina Thanou, is also under a drugs cloud.

Former Australian sprint queen Raelene Boyle, twice robbed of Olympic gold medals by disgraced East German Renate Stecher, said Jones's medals should be on permanent display in an Olympic "Hall of Shame".

But, Agostini, who admitted to experimenting with drugs during a meet in California, said Jones was a "scapegoat who makes us feel good about ourselves".

The American received no sympathy from Talbot, however, who demanded she not only return her medals but also every dollar she earned as a result of her success.

Former Australian Commonwealth Games doctor Tony Miller, 82, first called for drugs to be legalised 40 years ago, and he has not changed his mind. He said the health risks associated with steroid use were sensationalised.

"The solution is to remove the ban, allow people to use them - which is what's happening anyway," he said.

"I've given anabolic steroids to 4000-5000 people and I've never had a problem."

Asked if he ever administered drugs to Australian athletes at the Commonwealth Games, Miller said: "I wouldn't tell you that."