Hey guys, gunna be doing a little cutting cycle in about 2 weeks time.

1-6 Winny 50mg/day (maybe a little higher even?)
1-6 T3 figured 50mcg all the way threw should do it
1-2, 5-6 Clen

Just hoping to get that last little bit of fat off of me before the summer hits. Have ran all these compounds before and not neccessarily all together. Am 6'2" around 185 lbs with roughly 12-13% bodyfat.

My question is though, if i were to add some Prop into the mix, was thinking 200mg every other day for 6 weeks, would it really make a bigger difference then not having it in my cycle? Like what would be the benefits of adding it into my cycle? I have never used prop before either. So do you think 100mg every other day would be good enough ? or should i stay with the 200mg, cus i can only get my hands on 10ml vials that are 100mg / ml thats all.