whats up bro's.
anyone tried a short cycle of tren@ 75mg/eod with winy ed/50mg for 6 weeks.
Was on CJM and was doing a read one a article. This seems like what I am looking for. It would work out cheap as fuck and I want to be more hard, defind, vascular, stronger but dont want to gain 20 pounds. This would be my first cycle and Will not mind the eod jabs (winy is oral). I dont want a long cycle and this will work out for My system will be cleared for a possible test (probably not for juice but beter safe than.....). I dont want to use a test for I have read that using test will make the sides of what you are stacking it with worse (exept for libido). Is tren all it is cut out to be for I want to get harder and more cut.