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  • Throw Boldenone into deca/sust mid-cycle?
  • Throw Boldenone into deca/sust mid-cycle?
  • Throw Boldenone into deca/sust mid-cycle?
  • Throw Boldenone into deca/sust mid-cycle?
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  • Throw Boldenone into deca/sust mid-cycle?

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  • Throw Boldenone into deca/sust mid-cycle?
  • Throw Boldenone into deca/sust mid-cycle?
  • Throw Boldenone into deca/sust mid-cycle?
  • Throw Boldenone into deca/sust mid-cycle?
  • Throw Boldenone into deca/sust mid-cycle?
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    Thread: Throw Boldenone into deca/sust mid-cycle?

    1. #1
      TSR1969's Avatar
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      Default Throw Boldenone into deca/sust mid-cycle?

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      • Throw Boldenone into deca/sust mid-cycle?
      • Throw Boldenone into deca/sust mid-cycle?

      • Throw Boldenone into deca/sust mid-cycle?
      • Throw Boldenone into deca/sust mid-cycle?
      • Throw Boldenone into deca/sust mid-cycle?
      • Throw Boldenone into deca/sust mid-cycle?
      • Throw Boldenone into deca/sust mid-cycle?
      • Throw Boldenone into deca/sust mid-cycle?
      My first cycle, 34 5'8 165 about 12%bf, lifting for about 10 years, seriously for last 3.

      On week 5 of a 10 week 200mg deca/250mg sust cycle. Put on 20 pounds (most right now from eating like a pig and the fluid i'm sure) but awesome strength gains in about the last 10 days or so. Goals will have been met if i end up at 185-195 and back at 10-12%BF when off everything for a while

      What can I throw in to harden up and help w/BF so i am not stuck with 10lbs of fat to lose at the end of my cycle? Decided against Winny as #1 my source flaked for winny and #2 $$ for other source is too much.

      No orals and am after something i can inject w/my S/Th shots of deca/sust, another reason against winny - dont want to inject ED.

      Any ideas on what i can load into the same syringe and hit 2x week to accomplish my goals w/o having to spend a fortunte?

      Any thoughts on boldenone? Was thinking about 2000ml (10ml vial 200mg/ml) and running that in (of course next question if you guys agree w/that, what to run it at per week)

      Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

    2. #2
      mike1107's Avatar
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      don't use boldenone with deca, they work a lmost on the same receptor ... if it's your first cycle then you can stay on deca/sust and maybe increase a little bit the sust but at your weight you should see very good results even if you keep things this way
      I'm the next Scott Steiner...

    3. #3
      TSR1969's Avatar
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      Ok, thanks, the size and strength gains are great, it's just sucks to lose some lines and cuts that I had when i started.

    4. #4
      Billy_Bathgate's Avatar
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      Originally posted by mike1107
      don't use boldenone with deca, they work a lmost on the same receptor ... if it's your first cycle then you can stay on deca/sust and maybe increase a little bit the sust but at your weight you should see very good results even if you keep things this way
      BULLSHIT! thats retarded. No offence, as you seem to be misinformed but thats just bullshit. Where did you pick up that info?

      Work on the same receptor WTF There is only ONE AR receptor in the body. Not 2, not 3, not 4 or 5, 1! Tham means tren, deca, eq, test, etc ALL work on the same receptor, its the only one!

      EQ + Deca is a great combo. The have similar actions, but still have a few special things about them.

      Being that your in your 5th wkk, it wouldnt do much to add it in now, as it really takes a goof 8wks to fully kick it. Tren would fit good though, like wks 7-12 50mg EOD.

    5. #5
      bigjim33's Avatar
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      i agree with billy that the deca/eq combo has worked well for a lot of people....i wouldn't add the eq in now though, just save it

    6. #6
      Johnson7's Avatar
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      I ran eq/deca cycle gained a good bit of strength, but not much weight!

    7. #7
      jack hust's Avatar
      jack hust
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      • Throw Boldenone into deca/sust mid-cycle?
      • Throw Boldenone into deca/sust mid-cycle?

      • Throw Boldenone into deca/sust mid-cycle?
      • Throw Boldenone into deca/sust mid-cycle?
      • Throw Boldenone into deca/sust mid-cycle?
      • Throw Boldenone into deca/sust mid-cycle?
      • Throw Boldenone into deca/sust mid-cycle?
      • Throw Boldenone into deca/sust mid-cycle?
      save the eq go with fina

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