I`m thinking about starting my new cycle either March 1st or April 1st - but most likely it`ll be April 1st. Here`s what kind of stuff I`d go with..

Test E

What do you think about this combo.. I know its alot of Test almost sounds like a Sust blend I would replace EQ with Winny but as of right now I`m unable to get Winny..and I never did EQ so I`m looking forward seing some vascularity..also Tren should do me good - first time Tren user too.. so what dosages would you recommend and for how much..

If I go with lets say Test E at 500mg a week for 12 wks.. do Prop for 100mg eod for 6 wks.. that leaves me to Tren and EQ. What should I do for them..