It's been 12 weeks since I finished my last cycle, which was 8 weeks of 100mg test prop/50 mg tren ace everyday. It was the first time I ran tren. I ran HCG at low dosages throughout the 8 weeks, so I had no problems with shrinkage, and I ran my PCT like I always do with clomid and massive amounts of Bulgarian tribulus.

Now, here's the problem: I still feel really shut down right now. I've run test before (in the form of Omnadrens) so I don't think it was the prop that's making my recovery difficult . . . . . it would have to be the tren, right? Right now, my libido isn't where it should be, and I constantly have this strange feeling in my chest, I guess around my lungs. Also, I just started having insomnia a couple of days ago, and when I do sleep, I just can't get that deep sleep that leaves you refreshed the morning after, know what I mean?

Has anyone here had recovery problems with tren like I'm experiencing? I'd appreciate any advice you bros can give me.