I started Growth and Slin (with AAS) Less than 2 weeks ago. I was in my 3rd week of a blast when I started. I have been on a blast-cruise cycle since december 15th. of '04.

My plans are to compete next year. I have a couple of very well known BB'ers helping me out now, and I am excited to compete next year.

So, to the point....lol.

I started Growth and Slin LESS than 2 weeks ago ( 12 days) , and I swear I see results already. My skin in smoother and softer, and has cleared up like you wouldnt believe. My skin has tightened up, my BF is down even more, and I am holding very little visible water. I am also up 7lbs. I am highly impressed with Jintropin so far.

I believe Tapout said it best in his signature line.....

GH, Slin, and Test, the second best threesome ever.