I'm doing eod injections of tren and prop.

today when i hit my right quad, it felt different than it usually does. No blood on the asperation, but it gushed blood (as much as a 22ga hole can) for about 15secs after the injection. I put an alchohol swab on it and applied pressure and massaged throughout post injection but it kept on bleeding a bit. I was thinking maybe i passed through a vein or something.

At any rate, now there is a hard (really hard) small cashew shapped lump underneath the skin. I've had minor non-absess infections and regular irritation associated with BA from UG gear in the past, but this feels different to the touch.Normally the whole muscle will be big, redish and a bit warm perhaps. It is much tougher, like there is a little solid spot in the muscle, with no redness or warmth.
Anyone have any ideas? Similar experiences/end results to share?
