My problem is, every bodypart i have except my beach muscles (chest and arms) are superior at the moment in size. If i wanted to go about prioritizing arms and chest to catch them up, how would you all recommend i do that as far as split, frequency, reps, sets, etc... go??

Right now i do chest every friday and it looks pretty much like this
Flat barbell 3 setsx10 185, 205,225.
Incline Dumbells 4 setsx10 75, 85, 90, 95x8
Inclne hammer strength or dips 3 sets 10
Always finnish with 3 sets cables

Tri's on tuesay, Bi's on wednesday.
For both i do about 9-12 sets, always startin with a heavy standing curl movement and heavy skullcrushers/closegrip bench/dips.

Any tips, tricks or ideas you have used, id like to hear.