Hello, I'm a lurker here for a few years, dont get to post much because so many of my questions have been answered in advance from the knowledge of all he good members here, thanks for that.

I'm wondering if anyone has any input for me for cutting during an upcoming PCT cycle.
I'm thinking of running Clen 2 on 2 off 2 on starting with my PCT (with ECA during the 2 off)

My bulking cycle was just a UL M1T/4AD one ( I've no sources where I live)
I am 29, 5'8, 178. I added some bf during bulking ( was trying to eat as much as possible) and want to cut some during PCT. I'll be running Clomid for PCT.

Does anyone have any suggestions or advice on my running Clen? Tx in advance for any info.

my bulking cycle was:
weeks 1-2 UL M1T 5mg ed
week 4-5 UL M1T 10mg ed
weeks 1-4 Dermal 4AD 400mg

then 1 week off before starting pct

For PCT I will be running Clomid for 3 weeks @
day 1 300mg
day 2 200mg
day 3-14 100mg
day 14-21 50mg