I personally have not been able to sleep more than 7 hours in a while and usually 5-6 hours is the average I get. I wish I could sleep more I just can't. I mean I have no problems falling asleep but I usually wake up ready to go in just a few hours. Last night for example I went to bed at around 3:30 and woke up at 8 this morning fully ready to go. Me thinks I need some xanax to take on the weekends at least to force myself to get more rest which I know I need even if I can function without it. 1-2 days on the weekend should help me out to try and catch up. Problem is lately I work on the weekends as well. Ahh the days when I used to sleep 9 hours a night. Where did those days go. Oh well at least it makes for a more productive day. My mind is always racing.