I am back for some more advice. You guys have always steered me right in the past. I am greatfull for your time and opinions.

Last cycle you guys (mainly Mick G)suggested I stop because I was going through a ton of emotional crap with my GF. I did. I have been off for months now. I have put on about 10 lbs since I stopped that cycle. Mainly from drinking and eating to much. Holidays ya know.. Getting ready to start up another cycle as I am hitting the gym hard and I have my diet inline. I dont have the emotional burdens right now so I figure this is a good time. I am single, live alone and my focus in life right now is on MYSELF.

To refresh:

Been training Hard for about a year. Was 268lbs with 15 inch arms and 44 inch waste in FeB last year. Trained and then did a Deca and test cycle for 10 weeks. 6 months in to the training and the 10 week cycle I had 16.5 inch arms and a 38 waste. Was 235lbs. I am 5/11 btw and 29 years old.

Last cycle was 1000mg of TestE, 600mg of EQ, 250 winny second half(oral) and later mixed in some T400 but stayed around 1000mg a week of test. On Mick G's advice I took Ldex at .25 everyday and then did PCT with Nolv and clomid. Came out at 216 with 18 inch arms and a 36 inch waste. Had no real sides other then some emotional issues I was dealing with at the time. For some reason I find Clomid makes me more emotional.

As you can see I have gone from 15 inch arms to 18 in a year. Not bad. I was in XXL shirts and now wear XL.

Here is the deal. I currently sit at 227lbs and 21%BF. I have always had high BF. It runs in my fam. I have the slowest metabolism on earth. Even at 1000 cals a day(off cycle) and 20-30 minutes of cardio per day my body will NOT let go of this BF. My trainer says that I need more muscle mass to get this BF off in the long run. He even suggested Lypo suction which I have considered. I keep it all in my gut. Rest of my body is not fat looking but my gut is. He has seen guys like me train for years and still have the gut. I want to lose it with hard work rather then doing surgery. I want to be around 200-210 with 10-12% BF. I feel and my trainer feels that I have about 20-25 lbs of BF to lose. Its proving to be impossible Bro's. It just stays there in my gut. Those are the goals this time around and I am 100% ready to go.

My diet will consist mainly of Steamed veggies, chicken breasts, eggs, oatmeal and Tuna. All clean 5 times a day. 400MG a day of Protien+. No alcohol at all and no Soda. Water and water with juice only to drink. Lots of Milk also.

30-40 minutes of cardio a day and 1.5 hours of lifting per day 5 days a week. Heavy lifting and maxing out each day. Plan on 9 hours of sleep a night.

Ok. So on to the questions.. What should I cycle? I want MASS. I dont care much about strength. I want major size. That is the goal here. I want to cut this BF and I need to get mass on to speed up my metabolism. Not to mention I want to be big. I would love my arms to be in the 19 to 20 inch range for example. Not looking for a miracle. I have researched for a year and I read these boards. I am 100% commited to hard work here Bro's and I think I have proved that. This will be my third cycle and I am aware of what the effects are ect.

Here is what I have on hand now:

2 X 20ml Dpharm Test E 300.
2 X 10ml of Dpharm Deca 300
2 X 10ml of Dpharm Tren 125mg.
1 X 50ml bottle of Reforvit (Dbol)
1 X 20ml Dpharm Winny

Ldex, nolv and clomid on hand.

This is what I have on hand. DOES NOT MEAN I am going to use it all. Just means this is what I have on hand. Can purchase other items as needed. Would be nice to use what I have so I have no cash outlay but its not a problem right now if I do.

Last time I took Deca I did get pain in my nipples at the end of the cycle and I did hold ALOT of water. I swore I would never take it again but now I have Ldex I did not back then. I also have an effective water pill that is over the counter to combat the water gains. It really works for me. I did gain alot on that deca 300 at 600 a week for 10 wks. It makes me wonder if I should use it this time around.

Last time around I took EQ300 and I did not really like it. I got sick on it many times if you guys remember and finaly had to stop taking it. I was taking 600mg a week which is alot. Maybe thats why. I did try two brands. Same result. 12-24 hour flu after injects. Like I said. I have no idea why.

I have never done Dbol but some of the biggest guys I know take it oraly under the tounge and then swallow each day at 50MG a day for 6 weeks. Then off and back on for another 6 wks. They are huge and they swear by it. I am still reading about Dbol and I am still taking in information.

I like winny. It makes my muscles hard so I figure I could use that at the end of the cycle and I have it on hand. Its also simple to take and I dont mind the taste.

Some of the guys said to do some Anadrol but not for long and I have been warned its real HARD on your system but will probably give me the size I want. I have read ALOT on this and realize the side effects but want opinions from people who have used it. Remember. I am not commited to taking anything at this point. I want to learn and thats the point of my post fellas.


Skip the EQ?
Try EQ again at lower dose?

Use the Deca?

Try something else?

Planning on 1000mg a week of test E. Probably a 14 week cycle. Planned to keep steady until the last few weeks where I will taper off.


Deca and Dbol together?

Tren? I have never taken tren. Friends love it and suggest it. Need to do more research on it personaly.Told its a cutter and helps with strength. Also told its a great way to lose some BF. Also told its not going to help me with MASS much. Use it?

What would you do if you where in my situation? I wont start until this is all charted out and I have every thing on hand. Its not a rush. Help a bro out with some logical choices here. I am all ears and bow down to your expertise. Would be nice to hear from Big mike, Mick, Fuzo and others.

Thanks Bros!