25 years old
Height 5'9
weight: 154 lbs ( light , hard gainer)
Years training: 3
Body Fat %: 11 %

Goals: To get at least 10 lbs of lean body mass.

Planned cycle:
Test enanth (shcering primoteston): 250 mg/wk for 8 wks
Oxandrolone (QV) 30 mg a day / 8 wks.
At first I won't be using any anti-e , I will try to see how I respond to aromatiztion since I am skinny, I hope I won't be having any estrogen related sides to consider major plombem i.e gyno or bloat. I will however keep in hand the liquidex and the nolvadex.
The use oF HCG.- Dr. Swales aproach (250 ui's twice a week sat-sunday aproach) for the hole cycle.

Other gear for sides related: Liquidex, nolvadex, clomid, HCG, MILK THISTLE, Legalon.

Planned caloric intake: Target at 4000 cals a day, clean nutrition, I do not want too much fat or simple carbs, since I won't be using anti estogens at firts instance.

First enanth shot (right glute): 07-11-2004 .- That day I stopped beeing a normal guy and got enhanced by chemistry, I will never forget that day.
I started with the var 2 days later, 09-11-2004.
The first 3 days went ok, just a little more sensitive on the nuts (testicles) as my body is adapting to this new hormonal changes. I felt more motivated in the gym, two days on var and the pumps are NICE. This virgin receptos status is awesome, I could feel a little warm all over my body. Also, I noticed that I injected wrong, maybe I hitted some nerve, since the pain has lasted for 3 days already, I aspirated ok, but injected too high in the glute, anyway, the pain is geting better as time pases by.

Saturday, I weighted myself (I usually do it first thing in the morning when I wake up so I can get a consistent meassurement). Went up 3 lbs.

I feel considerably more dense and feeling ok, no sides at all.

Saturday.- Skipped my HCG first shot... I could not find bac water to dilute Pregnyl since i have the 5000 uis dosage.

Sunday.- Got some Gonakor (intramuscular HCG that comes with some vit B ) I got the 2500 ui's presentation, It had 10 ml of water, so I mixed all the 10 ml in the 2500 ui's and got a nice 250 mg/ml concentration of HCG. Injected my left delt, went ok, but I guess that I have to ask some more questions about the Pregnyl, since I do not know If i can dilute it in Bac water and shot it subcutaneus. (if anyone can help me it would be nice!!).
Took also my second testosterone shot, injected the left glute and it went smooth and easy, no pain at all.

Monday. (today). 157 lbs.
Yesterday shots are ok, no pain at all, I feel good, the ride has to become more interesting starting this week since test levels are now over the average human male.
Today I go for legs at the gym, planning to bump caloric intake a little more, just to get as strong as hell for legs.

Going to use come cafiaspirin forte to enhance leg training.

By the way, the next 25 of november I will be going to a bodybuilding show , I`ll be participating , it is not a contest, it is only a show of my college but since i happen to be the guy with one of the most outstanding frame (as per symetrics) I was invited.
I am a little bit concearned about my abdomen cuts, after a week , some water has settled in and thus, abs are hiding a little. I am considering about trowing in some LASIX two days prior to the show (and take precautions with it).

Right now I will be consuming at least a gal. of water a day and will bump my salt intake, also will be droping simple cabs and using more vegetable fat. I will also be incorporing .25 mg of liquidex EOD to see if it helps me alittle with water (what do you guys think).

Hope this can help other bros and science itself.

IF anyone can follow up, I started this same thead in the journal's forum, please throw in your 2 cents!!