ok this will be my second cycle first one being t-400 @400mg a week and eq@400mg a week for 10 weeks.

current stats 5'7 and some change
176 and 9%bf

i want to run
weeks 1-10
test prop- 125mg eod

weeks 1-10 10mg of nolva
weeks 1-10 500 iu of hcg every sat/sun

week 5 20mcgs of t3
week 6 40mcgs
week 7 60mcgs
week 8 60mcgs
week 9 40mcgs
week 10 20 mcgs last 3 days at 10mcgs

week5-6 clen ramping from 20 mcgs to 100mcgs
weeks 9-10 clen ramping from 20 mcgs to 100mcgs
weeks 13-14 clen from 20 -100 mcgs

pct 3 days after last shot
days1-2 300mg of clomid and 60 mg of nolva
days 3-15 200mg of clomid and 40 mg of nolva
days 16-30 100mg of clomid and 20 mg of nolva

i was wondering if that was enough prop and the pct might be overkill for this cycle.
tell me what u guys think, and i can make changes to this at any time.