I am getting ready to start my 4rd cycle stats 5'9 180 lean
goal is to gain size and look good (jacked) here are my two options
cycle 1
weeks 1-14 enathate 500mg/week
weeks 1-13 eq 400mg/week
weeks 7-12 tren 75mg e/o/d
weeks 1-4 d-bol 30mg e/o/d (maybee)

cycle 2
weeks 1-14 enathate 500mg/week
weeks 1-12 deca 400mg/week
weeks 1-4 d-bol 30mg e/o/d
weeks 10-14 winny 50mg e/o/d-----(maybee, too much??)
which cycle would be better in order to achieve my goals what u think please explain why??? Tks Luke